Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Identity and immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Identity and immigrants - Essay Example Sen’s form of clothing and the American way of dressing. It is the cultural norms, beliefs and values which motivate immigrants to preserve their culture (Tong 562). Baharati is less conservative in the mode of dressing while on the other hand Mira and Mrs. Sen are very conservative to the Indian way of dressing. Baharati’s form of clothing does not depict the Indian identity but rather the American identity. This is a form of cultural rebellion which characterized some immigrants (Ahadi and Rogelio 848). Mira and Mrs. Sen maintain the Indian identity through their clothing because they feel obliged to maintain their culture. The conservative nature of the two women stems from the fear of betraying their ethnic values and beliefs (Khanna 59). The attitudes and choices related to marriage among immigrants are culturally instigated (Tong 563). Baharati and Mira used to express the same views or opinions about marriage when they were back in India. However their viewpoints on marriage differed when they reached America. Mira retained her Indian viewpoints of marriage when she arrived in America. This is depicted by the fact that she married an Indian student from Wayne State University. Baharati’s views on Marriage are Americanized. This is revealed by the fact that she decided to marry a fellow student regardless of the fact that he was not of Indian origin, but an American whose parents were Canadian. It is therefore evident that Baharati’s views on marriage were based on the fact that you do not have to marry someone from your own ethnic background. On the other hand Mira believed that she had to marry someone who is Indian like her. It is evident that Baharati was prepared for the emotional strain that wou ld result from marrying someone who was not from her own ethnicity (Baharati 274). Mrs. Sen was similar to Mira on her views on marriage. For instance, her husband Mr. Sen is from her own ethnic background. Mrs. Sen also maintained her

Monday, October 28, 2019

Winged Writers Enlighten Essay Example for Free

Winged Writers Enlighten Essay Collins’ rhythmic poem, â€Å"Ornithography,† paints a bright, hopeful picture of birds beginning their day in thoughtful, purposeful ways. A light snow that fell in the night does not deter these birds. Instead, this morning offers them renewal, hope, and opportunity. Bright possibilities abound below a high breeze that will soon expose the sun above the dispersing clouds. The birds neither waste this morning nor miss their chance for expression. The various birds are anything but simple as they scurry about and get their work done. Under the feeder, several compose light works as they mix pleasure with sustenance. While a robin engages in self-reflection, a crow lays down his opinion on current events. Even the young chick is thoughtful and busy with a list. Unlimited by their binary alphabet, they are busy as bees. A captivated observer watches the prolific birds in silence and wonder behind the clear barrier of a pane. She is motionless as she marvels at the sophisticated scribes. Small wings and thin legs move quickly, but much more slowly than their intensely active minds. The girl behind the window realizes that little birds with little brains are capable of expansive thought and expression. So, she has boundless possibilities for action and expression with her complex mind and an alphabet that contains twenty four more letters. Suddenly, the busy birds took flight. Were they startled by a predator or a canine wail? More likely, these sophisticated little creatures disbanded in unison after agreeing for a change of scene on this glorious morning. The sun breaking through the clouds spurred them to rise toward the high wind. While floating on the zephyr, they could reflect on writings and revisions. And, the girl could watch and wonder about how to put this bright day to its best use.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

term insurance Essay examples -- essays research papers

Why buy life insurance? Many financial experts consider life insurance to be the cornerstone of sound financial planning. It is generally a cost-effective way to provide for your loved ones after you are gone. It can be an important tool in the following ways: Income replacement For most people, their key economic asset is their ability to earn a living. If you have dependents, then you need to consider what would happen to them if they no longer have your income to rely on. Proceeds from a life insurance policy can help supplement retirement income. This can be especially useful if the benefits of your surviving spouse or domestic partner will be reduced after your death. Pay outstanding debts and long-term obligations Consider life insurance so that your loved ones have the money to offset burial costs, credit card debts and medical expenses not covered by health insurance. In addition, life insurance can be used to pay off the mortgage, supplement retirement savings and help pay college tuition. Estate planning The proceeds of a life insurance policy can be structured to pay estate taxes so that your heirs will not have to liquidate other assets. Term Life Insurance Term life insurance provides a death benefit only if death occurs during the "term" or coverage period of the policy. If you outlive your term or quit paying premiums, your policy lapses and is of no value. Term life insurance plays a vital role in proper financial planning. People who buy term may do so for several reasons such as: Temporary need - They have a temporary need, which lends itself to a temporary solution, i.e., raising children, education, paying off a mortgage, a business buy/sell agreement. Affordability - Term premiums are very affordable. If you're in excellent health, you can get a lot of coverage for very little cost. The Gamble 95% of all term policies go unpaid. In other words, if you took a random sample of 100 people who purchased term insurance, 95 of them would outlive their terms. The insurance companies know this. That is how they can afford to offer a 45 year-old male $250,000 worth of coverage for a 20-year term for only $375 per year. They've crunched the numbers and are willing to bet that you and a whole lot of other people are going to outlive your policies. Because term is inexpensive, there is much less commitment. When you want o... ... investment performance, especially with variable life. Unlike stocks or mutual funds, tracking sub-account and overall investment performance is quite complicated because one must consider all of the charges, which are changing constantly. The following are some guidelines we use to help determine what type of insurance you should buy: You Should Buy Term If You: only need coverage for a specific period of time, - like a house mortgage or until your children are independent. need a lot of coverage and can't afford permanent have low cash flow - if you're living paycheck to paycheck and don't think you can keep up with the permanent payments, triggering surrender charges. have other investments and are committed and self-disciplined to make regular deposits. don't want the commitment required from permanent insurance You Should Buy Permanent Insurance If You: have a high net worth and are seeking a tax-advantaged investment don't want to risk outliving your term and having nothing to show for it understand that permanent insurance is a long-term commitment need insurance for estate planning purposes want forced savings want guaranteed life insurance for life

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How important are the chapters one to three in Great Expectations? Essa

How important are the chapters one too three in Great Expectations? What does the reader learn about the social and historical, from these chapters? The setting from the start of the book is very important, from the unwelcoming and stereotypical graveyard that give the book a starting tense and exiting mood, and the humble blacksmiths that acts as a platform for Pip's expectations and the opposite setting to much of the grander scenery in London. The graveyard at the start of the book is typical example of how the setting contributes so well to the story and the atmosphere; this is just one of the more obvious examples. Starting the book in a graveyard quickly informs the reader of a lot of information about Pips history that under different circumstances would have taken a lot longer to explain; things like Pips parents and family were quickly and briefly explained to the readers via the gravestones and Magwitches asking "Where's your mother?" and Pip's response being "There sir" as he points to his Mother, Father and five sibling's gravestones. The graveyard is...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Meaning of a Quote

â€Å"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. † Helen Keller Body: As we have known, most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with. Therefore, they will miss opportunities that stand right in front of them. Doors may close, but there are always other unlimited numbers of doors – new opportunities to get new happiness.Alexander Graham Bell also used to say that: â€Å"When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us†. The world is full of opportunities if we could only see them. Furthermore, not every plan works out. Successful people today must get the cheese in the past. There are losses and failures, problems in relationships, loss of money or job, and sometimes unpleasant things happen that we can not always have contro l over them.However, we can exercise control over our attention and attitude of these happenings. When one of these things happens, and we focus our attention on the loss – the closed door, we see only a closed door with the resultant frustration and unhappiness, but if we could only move our sight and attention away from the closed door, we might be surprised to discover a row of openning new doors. To sum up, I just want to say: Do not try to look at your back, look at the things stand in front of you and shoot your bolt to strike while the iron is hot. That is the necessary thing you must do after the failure.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aggregate Planning Problem in the IQ Company

Aggregate Planning Problem in the IQ Company It is imperative to underscore the fact that laptop and desktop computers are currently being released by the IQ Company. This company has been performing this task through a contract system.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Aggregate Planning Problem in the IQ Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are two categories of laptops that are considered to be most effective for use since they have become extremely popular among various users. These include the ten inches and 14 inches models. These models of laptops have been manufactured with special computing configuration in mind. However, the most important factor to consider in the sale of these two laptop models is that they are mainly on high demand during the two major seasons namely fall and spring. A company like IQ may find it quite cumbersome to predict the demand for either a laptop or desktop computer in years to come bearing in mind that such products are introduced in the market when the user experience has not been known. In other words, it takes a considerable length of time for users to acquaint themselves with the new products before they can eventually share their opinions. One of the reasons why estimating future demand may be cumbersome is the fact that high variance is usually included when manufacturing the laptop and desktop computers. The demand for these computers on any given period has to be adjusted accordingly by the manufacturer. This is attained by making sure that the production period is modified using an optimal approach.Advertising Looking for dissertation on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The demand for each of the computer product has to be assessed on a monthly basis so as to avoid under production or excess supply of the products. As such, there are quite a number of factors that determine the optimal rate of production. These include the quantity of products that have been outsourced, the number of employees, the costs incurred for overtime, the ordinary cost of labor as well as the optimal cost. These factors are vital in determining the overall value or pricing of products manufactured by the company. It is also vital to mention that this company mainly deals with the process of assembling various laptop parts before they can eventually be released into the market. Therefore, this nature of production is largely affected by the capacity of employees who have been hired to work on a daily basis. If these employees fail to perform their duties as expected, then the company may find itself at a loss. In addition, hiring more employees may sometimes not be the solution towards meeting labor demands. It is only the ability of the hired employees to perform that will make a difference in the entire process. There are also cost implications for firing employees who are performing below th e expectation of the company. Hence, the company should be keener during the process of hiring employees so that only the best and most capable workers are absorbed in the system. Moreover, overtime hours among employees certified by IQ should be utilized to the optimum in order to cut down labor costs and other associated expenses.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on Aggregate Planning Problem in the IQ Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On a final note, it is vital for the computing organization to have a good estimate of the demand peak season so that the right quantity is supplied to the market. A built up inventory can also be utilized when anticipating the peak demand period. In other terms, the available inventory levels should be used in the most appropriate manner.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Global Financial Crisis Causes and Impacts

Global Financial Crisis Causes and Impacts Introduction Global financial crisis is described as the extensive economic disaster that started in the United States in 2007. Starting with the collapse of the American financial system, the economic emergency rapidly spread to other countries in the world. Interrelated markets of the current global trading systems were the major cause of the rapid spread of the financial crisis.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global Financial Crisis Causes and Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After a number of years since the first occurrence of the crisis, it is still not possible to explain fully the impact of the global financial crisis because the economic emergency keeps on hindering and destroying global markets (Gelos, 2009, p. 15). A number of factors caused the concurrent crush of the housing system, financial markets, and the banking industry in America. Even though the causes of the crisis are still debated, th is occurrence spread out almost immediately into the international market. Usually, the United States plays an influential role in global financial industries and stock trading. This means that the crush caused a destructive impact both within America and in countries all over the world. The extensive effects of the economic crisis began late in 2007 at the time when prices of fuel and food started increasing globally. Factors that some years before seemed minor like increases in prices of fertilizers started to destroy crop industries and the importation of food in developing economies (Gelos, 2009, p. 17). In 2008 as the financial crisis in America intensified, financial institutions like banks strove to decrease their spending mainly in foreign investments. This deepened the worldwide emergency because many countries depended a lot on the foreign investment of the United States for the survival of their economies. Global governance The outstanding increase in global integration r ecently has largely overwhelmed the ability of global governance. The deepening of globalization has led to an increase in insufficiency of organizations and policies responsible for global governance. This was evident in the global financial crisis and its harsh effects which are still ongoing. The speed and frequency with which economic emergencies from one nation and spread to other countries shows the significance of sufficiently strengthening financial organizations to make sure that they are able to take fast, remedial and effective measures.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Improvement in global economic governance is the main factor in renewing the prevailing dialogue in global political economy (Crotty, 2009, p. 563). Many national economic policies which are cost effective work partly because they benefit other nations but a majority of the policies are on ly possible if they are also adopted by other nations. The IMF has argued that the main cause of the global financial crisis was inadequate regulation of the financial system combined with lack of market discipline. Global imbalances alone could not have led to the crisis without the capability of financial organizations to create new tools and mechanisms to take care of the demand for higher incomes by investors. The tools eventually became more risky than excepted (Crotty, 2009, p. 564). However, many of the investors relied on the analysis on credits by various agencies thus failing to conduct prior examination of the assets despite their optimism in the increased prices. This was considered one of the major causes of the economic crisis. The biggest role in the crisis was however, played by flawed and ineffective financial regulation which is also called the shadow banking system. The highly interconnected but loosely regulated network of hedge funds, investment banks and mortga ge sector was not subjected to prudential regulation. They were not regulated because they were never seen as systematically significant like banks (Crotty, 2009, p. 565). Their lack of regulation made it further attractive for banks to elude capital investments by making these entities take all the risk. Over time, this institution network became very large and became systematically vital. By the end of 2007, the assets of bank-like organizations in the United States that were not prudentially regulated were estimated$10 trillion, almost equal to the assets of the regulated banking system of America (Crotty, 2009, p. 566). Financial problems that began in the United States in 2007 rapidly spilled over to other countries around the globe to cause the harshest global financial crisis and collapse from the time of the Great Depression. The global implications of the crisis were totally unpredicted and have forced a reconsideration of global financial connections. Even though global ex posure could have offered a bit of insurance by way of constructive wealth transmission for some economies at the time of the crisis, global exposure played a destructive role by enabling the crisis to rapidly spread from the American housing market to the larger American economy and then to other countries (Porter, 2011, p. 9).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global Financial Crisis Causes and Impacts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These economic shortcomings may have been prevented by extensive regulation of the financial sector. Because financiers will always find a way of evading regulations proposed, global governance could have implemented its proposed regulations and action taken against market players who go against the regulations. Banks The world quickly moved from the global savings glut to an abrupt contraction in international liquidity. Shocks are enlarged and spread faster when leverage exists. In e arly 2000s, there was a considerable build up in leverage of big American commercial banks and global investment banks (Shin, 2009, p. 101). Although commercial banks may not seem to have problems with leverage levels before the financial crisis began, when the crisis started, internationally active banks played a very crucial role in the spread of shocks globally. A channel of this connection is the way in which these banks control liquidity throughout the whole banking association. Banks can transmit shocks globally by managing their liquidity throughout foreign linkages, dealings with international banking linkages, and through the global lending decisions. Banking crises and recessions have adverse impact on the creation of new relations however; all banks or all nations do not experience the same effects. The 2007 crisis showed this pattern and had huge negative effect on the creation of new connections in the international network of banks. The financial crisis made banks very cautious when lending and this meant that new relationships were not made. Banks helped in the rapid spreading of the crisis through reduced lending (Shin, 2009, p. 104). This had the impact of lessening international liquidity and also with the vital role played by banks in the United States to supply dollars, reduced lending led to an international shortage of dollar liquidity. The Federal Reserve in collaboration with other central banks injected dollars to respond to the crisis. Investors As banks limited lending and liquidity throughout borders, at the same time investors cut their capital flows in foreign markets. During the financial crisis, changes in international liquidity, crisis occurrences, and risk had a large impact on capital flows during the crisis. These effects were very varied in all nations but with a big part of this variation described by disparities in the strength of macro-economic fundamentals, country risk, and quality of home organizations. Fund managers and fund investors also played a role in the spreading of the crisis across countries. The volatility of mutual fund investments is motivated by fund managers and investors through which injections into each fund and changes in management in national cash and weights (Rogoff, 2008, p. 2).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Managers as well as investors react to national crises, returns and change their investments significantly in reaction to the economic occurrences like the global financial crisis. The behavior of both managers and investors is somewhat cyclical because they pull out of countries in undesirable times and increase their exposures in the countries when economic conditions improve. This means that investors in mutual funds are a vessel through which financial crisis of 2007 spread rapidly across nations in their portfolio leading to a global financial crisis (Rogoff, 2008, p. 3). Real linkages These could also be the channel through which the financial crisis rapidly spread globally. For instance, majority of Asian countries were not exposed to the subprime and housing markets of the United States and therefore, such economies had weaker connections with America through investment and direct bank relationships (Fidrmuc, 2010, p. 293). These Asian economies however still suffered harsh reduction of output in 2008 and 2009. The financial crisis had a larger undesirable effect on companies with larger sensitivity to trade and demand especially in economies that are more open to trade. Financial openness however, appeared to have made a minimal difference. This indicates that real channels of transfer through the impact of aggregate demand and trade flows played a significant role in spreading the global financial crisis. Conclusion The financial crisis may act as medium for transformation in global governance and may signify a change from the traditional economic system. The global financial crisis has helped in revealing the big gap between international economic order and structures of governance in modern times (Helleiner, 2009, p. 17). Many emerging economies such as China have been attaining rising political and economic significance but are not equally represented in crucial institutions. Even though the reaction to the crisis has largely been on the financial system, more attention needs to be paid to monetary issues as well as the world trade. A debate has been ongoing about whether informal institutions such as the G20 or the G8 should really play a role in transforming the authority and governance of global financial organizations. G20 may not be fully justifiable in its present embodiment to succeed in this duty; in fact by just growing present IFI and doing nothing to change them poses a risk of dependency and the maintenance of business as usual. Global governance is very important in a situation where trade exists. The development of trade administration will have to take into consideration the present stresses placed upon it by economic growth and sustainability questions brought about by the financial crisis. Global governance needs to reform if it aims at meeting global economic objectives and react to challenges (Helleiner, 2009, p. 16). The main role of global governance is managing the international economy by considering t he views and interests of all players and not just the G7 views. References List Crotty, J 2009 ‘Structural causes of the global financial crisis’, Cambridge journal of economics, vol. 33 p. no. 4, pp. 563-566. Gelos, G 2009 ‘The global crisis: explaining cross-country differences in output impact’, Social science research network, vol. 23 no. 4, pp. 15-17. Helleiner, E 2009 ‘Regulation and fragmentation in internal financial government special forum: crisis and the future of global financial governance’, Global governance, vol. 15 no. 1, pp. 16-21. Porter, M 2011 ‘Managing in the new global economy’, Harvard business school, vol. 2 no. 2, pp. 7 12. Rogoff, K 2008 ‘Is the 2007 U.S subprime financial crisis so different’, The national bureau of economic research, vol. 2 no. 1, pp. 2-3. Shin, H 2009 ‘Reflection of the northern rock: the bank run that heralded the global financial crisis’, Journal of economi c perspectives, vol. 23 no. 1, pp. 101-104. Fidrmuc, J (2010) ‘The impact of the global financial crisis on business cycles in Asian emerging economies’, journal of Asian economics, vol. 21 no. 3, pp. 293 – 312.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Buy It or Review It (Or Preferably Both)

Buy It or Review It (Or Preferably Both) I believe Ill touch a nerve here, which is sometimes fun. But most of the time, it means a controversial topic that wakes people up.and makes people make excuses for what they thought was righteous behavior. Well see. Not long ago, I wrote a piece about paying writers properly. I posted this abbreviated version on Facebook: If you are a writer, ask to be paid for your work. If you are asking a writer to appear, pay them. If you read a book, pay for it. If you accept a free book, post a review. Anything else is eroding the careers of writers everywhere. A lot of people got on board with rants about not getting reviews after giving away so many books. We all get that. I give away 100 books the first few weeks of a new release, and barely half of the recipients initially keep their promise to review. Its difficult to add a book to your busy schedule. But its wrong to agree to review then not do so. It amazed me the ones who DID review, and pained me seeing the ones who DID NOT. However, few got my point, that as writers, we tend to cannibalize our own. When we act as readers, do we review every book we read? As badly as we crave reviews, are we loyal to other writers in Doing Unto Them as Wed Like to Be Done To? It really boils down to this: When you obtain a book, you have two choices: You pay for it or you review it. If you can find the time to spend hours reading the thing, you can take three to five minutes to review it. What about all those souls giving away free books? Personally, I only take a free book if I intend to read it as a reviewer. And frankly, I prefer to pay for my books. Why? Because I prefer people pay for mine. I refuse to download a free one, much preferring to at least pay $1.99 or more. Its a principle of mine. Yes, I give away a few books with the clear message that they are review copies. And against the advice of others, I even follow up with those readers. The system goes like this: 1) I ask for reviewers for a book on social media or in my newsletters 2) I make a list and determine how many books to send out 3) I send the books 4) I wait a month then email/mail postcard asking if they received the book no mention of a review 3) I wait another month then email/mail a postcard asking if they enjoyed the book no mention of a review Thats it. No harassment. You have a list of names who reviewed your work. You love these people. You dont mind asking them to review again in the future. You know they will follow through. And you also know those who have not reviewedand to not ask again.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The changing role of Management Accountants at Tesco plc Essay

The changing role of Management Accountants at Tesco plc - Essay Example In conclusion, the report will highlight on challenges that are likely to undermine successful implementation of the business-partnering model in Tesco According to a report by (CIMA, 2009), leading companies are increasingly transforming the traditional roles of financial accountants to match current global trends in the market. There are emergent debates and concerns over the traditional roles of finance professionals and their significance in the current dynamic market. Leading companies are slowly integrating decision-making elements and management efficiency within the domains of finance accounting roles (Gabriels, 2002). This present report is aimed at examining the changing roles of the management accountant in the 21st century and further evaluating how management accounting business partners could better support decision making within the firm. Therefore, the report will highlight on the changing roles of management accountants in the 21st century. Similarly, the discussions will comprehensively evaluate how better decision making could be achieved by management accountants. Finally, the report will conclude with the exami nation of the challenges of implementing the business partnering model in Tesco. (Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007) defines management accountant roles as entailing analysis of the information relating to costs and operations of an organization in order to advise managers on how to make profits and achieve savings goals. Therefore, unlike other accountants, management accountants are expected to seamless integrate management, accounting and financial skills in order to provide advice to the top managers of an organization effectively. (Accenture, 2011) hence noted that management accountants performed the following tasks, study the business environment and hence advice on the financial implications of key projects. Also to advice and explain financial consequences of managerial decisions, develop business

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Pilgrims and Their Life at Plymouth Colony Term Paper

The Pilgrims and Their Life at Plymouth Colony - Term Paper Example Economic and social life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦..5 3. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦..5 4. References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 Introduction Pilgrims are people who go on a journey regularly with oral or religious goal to a certain alien land. English Puritan Separatists created Plymouth colony, which is the original settlement of Puritan, in 1620. The Pilgrims moved from England in search for religious liberty or better livelihood. According to legends, the pilgrim arrived at Plymouth Rock, but their history does not indicate this landmark. Discussion Inhabitants started erecting structures and rough buildings for the winter season. The initial years at Plymouth colony were not easy for the pilgrims. Poverty, insufficient food, strenuous job and unpredictable weather conditions made pilgrims prone to diseases. Therefore, harsh climatic conditions and illness became a challenge to them. Towards the termination of the colder season, about half of the pilgrims were no more. Life with Indian settlers Similarly, the colonists met Samoset, an Indian who amazed them with his English, learned from the Maine coast traders. Samoset presented Massasoit to colony inhabitants, Wampanoag an Indian leader, who entered into a peace agreement with the pilgrims. Similarly, Squanto played and guidance and interpretation roles, and through his assistance, the colonists acquired corn planting, fishing and fruit gathering skills. The pilgrims welcomed the people from India to commemor ate their initial field production, presently marked as day of giving thanks. When Massasoit died, the Wampanoag joined an ethnic coalition to eliminate English settlers, but the prevailing war of King Phillip nearly eliminated the Wampanoag, (Deetz & Deetz, 2000). The colony slowly expanded, and the former Plymouth plantation Settlement extended because settlers constructed houses in the location. Plymouth colony maintained its sovereignty for more than seventy years, and in 1962, its population increased to more than seven thousand people. It was incorporated with the Organization Bay of Massachusetts to create the regal colony. Politics and government The Pilgrims obtained the lawful authority to live at the colony guided by the modern England Council in 1622. Bradford obtained the Warwick right of 1930s; the patent gave him the southern territory in Cohasset and Bay of Narragansett. Based on the patent, he could control of the whole colony, but collaborated with other settler to manage the land. After some time, surveyors established boundaries in the area joining the modern Bristol Plymouth colony and Barnstable colony as the Plymouth colony. The colony’s freemen entered into the Compact mayflower; where they together with other newly selected freemen, met at some time to discuss the colony challenges. The General Court body appointed the governor and his subordinate, made laws and imposed taxes. The leaders of pilgrims were not sure of their legal status since they inhabited the location illegally. They additionally realized they would require some disciples. Therefore, to settle the challenge, forty-one leaders met, formed and signed the mayflower Compact, the initial contract for American internal government, (Harness, 2006). The

Equity & trusts on the three certainties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Equity & trusts on the three certainties - Essay Example This is because the property that was administered on behalf of the beneficiaries by the trustee cannot be determined with certainty. The significance of the subject matter in trust formulation may be able to be in the case of Re Goldcorp Exchange Limited. In this case, bankrupt creditors of the company involved in trading of wine asserted that they have the power to claim on the amount of wine they had paid for. It was the case despite the fact that the bottles of wine that they claim to have paid for could not be identified individually with certainty. The judge ruled that it is imperative to ascertain the subject matter with certainty for a trust to be present. Based on the case, it was challenging and, therefore, trust could be established. The rule may be exceptional only for intangible goods such as shares. The intention of the trust must be Cleary be if the trust is to be considered present. In the case of Re Hamilton of 1895, it was held that the law court must critically obs erve the words used by the testator to ascertain whether there was an intention to create trust. Other cases that have been utilized to substantiate the principle of intention include the case of Amber v Evan of 1870s, the case of Paul v Constance of 1977 and that of Hanbury of 1905. The four cases try to substantiate the significance of having a clear intention when creating a trust. In above connection, there must be an object certainty for the trust to be present2. However, the magnitude of object certainty may have a significant variation depending on the trust type. The two types of trust include fixed and discretionally trust. In fixed trust, the distribution of property to the beneficiary is fixed. On the contrary, discretionally trust is where the recipients may be from a given class of people. The principle of object certainty may be substantiated by the case law of Morice v Bishop of Durha. It was decided that trust cannot exist and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cultural Relativism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cultural Relativism - Essay Example Cultural relativism is related to a natural theory of evolution that views the cultural and linguistic diversity of human civilization globally as related to unique aspects of geographical isolation and parallel development. Maria Baghramian traces cultural relativism as back as Herodotus, and cites the woks of Montaigne, Dilthey ("Patterns of Culture"), and Frank Boas as the important figures of the development of this movement. (Baghramian, 2004) The main aspect of the development of cultural relativism historically also includes the interrelation of ideas between Darwin, Dewey, and Boas. (Strauss, 2011) Darwin’s work in the Galapagos influenced Boas’ conception of cultural diversity by allowing him to see the patterns of evolution in language and culture that proceeded on the same fundamental lines as the development of diversity in species as Darwin described. This also led him to value the history and lineage of each culture as an essential characteristic of cultur al relativism. (NNDB, 2011) The Darwinian aspects of cultural relativism made it an attractive methodology for the study of global cultures in anthropology. Yet, with cultural relativism there also developed a basis of moral relativism, which in some ways was posited in a manner that reflected the scientific method in social sciences, but which also removed moral criticism of cultural practices from academic research. For example, in this context foot-binding, as described by, Pang-Mei Natasha Chang in â€Å"Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir,† was practiced traditionally in Chinese society, though it created immense pain and suffering in the girls themselves. With cultural relativity in the practice of anthropology, researchers are required to suspend judgment and evaluate foot-binding within the socio-cultural understanding of Chinese society and its indigenous values and morality. This investigates how foot –binding relates to other cultural traditions, rituals, and hierarchies, but it fails to take a stand on the morality of the practice in universal teams, believing that the question is beyond the anthropological or scientific method. (Glazer, 1996) Thus, in this manner it can be argued that foot-binding was so widely accepted of a practice, that it was not immoral because it was the common, accepted basis of society. In this sense, there are no universals, only cultural and moral relativism in patterns of human evolution. However, looking at description from the girls themselves, who describe their motivations at the time, it is clear that many girls opposed it themselves, in their own minds and suffering, but were simply too lacking in respect politically and socially without power, that they were abused on a mass scale. (Celliana, 2010) The question of the mass-practice of harmful, immoral, or violent practices culturally is viewed through our contemporary moral value system, which taints our own judgment from that of the dispassionate objectivism which cultural re lativism is based on, but we have to continue to reform society to outlaw, abolish, and reform harmful practices from history that have no legitimate foundation. In Pang-Mei Natasha Chang’s â€Å"Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir,† the character Chang Yu-I has her feet bound by her mother, who follows the ancient tradition like most other women in the society. Chang Yu-I as a child is shown to resist the process and ultimately forces her parents to stop torturing her is this way. This is used symbolically as a means to foreshadow Chang Yu-I’s role in becoming one of the first â€Å"modern women† in China, and to pioneer divorce in a society where it was unknown and unaccepted historically. The issues of arranged marriages, forced marriages, and practices like foot-binding in

External and Internal Environmental Analysis Essay - 6

External and Internal Environmental Analysis - Essay Example Companies should assess their competitive position to come up with strategies to make them outstanding in the industry (Albright 2004). Groups come up with organizational structures that aid the in running the firm operations. These structures affect organization’s performance. Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. aims at achieving its goal of the growth of their business. There are several factors that compromise business performance thus there is a need for evaluating them to have successful business growth (Muthaih and Venkatesh, 2012). The external environment is those factors found outside the business and affects how it operates. It may affect the company ability to achieve its goals and objectives in an efficient way. Regardless of operational planning there is a need to assess the external environment. In evaluating this situation, there is a need to view it in terms of both opportunities and threats (Cheermack et al., 2007). It exists in three dimensions, the remote, industrial and operating environment. For Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. to grow as proposed analysis tools have to be used to evaluate these factors. Some of these elements can be changed by the firm’s operations while others push the business to change its structure to counteract its negative impacts. The organization intends to look into the three elements to ensure tha t changes in external factors do not take it by surprise. The remote environment comprises of a set of forces originating beyond an enterprise’s operating situation. They occur irrespective of any single organizations management activities. They involve factors such as technological, economic, social, political and legal opportunities. They work differently to create constraints, threats and also opportunities for the firm. At times, the elements work together to make a meaningful impact to the company for example economy and infrastructure can contribute to each other’s success in affecting

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cultural Relativism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cultural Relativism - Essay Example Cultural relativism is related to a natural theory of evolution that views the cultural and linguistic diversity of human civilization globally as related to unique aspects of geographical isolation and parallel development. Maria Baghramian traces cultural relativism as back as Herodotus, and cites the woks of Montaigne, Dilthey ("Patterns of Culture"), and Frank Boas as the important figures of the development of this movement. (Baghramian, 2004) The main aspect of the development of cultural relativism historically also includes the interrelation of ideas between Darwin, Dewey, and Boas. (Strauss, 2011) Darwin’s work in the Galapagos influenced Boas’ conception of cultural diversity by allowing him to see the patterns of evolution in language and culture that proceeded on the same fundamental lines as the development of diversity in species as Darwin described. This also led him to value the history and lineage of each culture as an essential characteristic of cultur al relativism. (NNDB, 2011) The Darwinian aspects of cultural relativism made it an attractive methodology for the study of global cultures in anthropology. Yet, with cultural relativism there also developed a basis of moral relativism, which in some ways was posited in a manner that reflected the scientific method in social sciences, but which also removed moral criticism of cultural practices from academic research. For example, in this context foot-binding, as described by, Pang-Mei Natasha Chang in â€Å"Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir,† was practiced traditionally in Chinese society, though it created immense pain and suffering in the girls themselves. With cultural relativity in the practice of anthropology, researchers are required to suspend judgment and evaluate foot-binding within the socio-cultural understanding of Chinese society and its indigenous values and morality. This investigates how foot –binding relates to other cultural traditions, rituals, and hierarchies, but it fails to take a stand on the morality of the practice in universal teams, believing that the question is beyond the anthropological or scientific method. (Glazer, 1996) Thus, in this manner it can be argued that foot-binding was so widely accepted of a practice, that it was not immoral because it was the common, accepted basis of society. In this sense, there are no universals, only cultural and moral relativism in patterns of human evolution. However, looking at description from the girls themselves, who describe their motivations at the time, it is clear that many girls opposed it themselves, in their own minds and suffering, but were simply too lacking in respect politically and socially without power, that they were abused on a mass scale. (Celliana, 2010) The question of the mass-practice of harmful, immoral, or violent practices culturally is viewed through our contemporary moral value system, which taints our own judgment from that of the dispassionate objectivism which cultural re lativism is based on, but we have to continue to reform society to outlaw, abolish, and reform harmful practices from history that have no legitimate foundation. In Pang-Mei Natasha Chang’s â€Å"Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir,† the character Chang Yu-I has her feet bound by her mother, who follows the ancient tradition like most other women in the society. Chang Yu-I as a child is shown to resist the process and ultimately forces her parents to stop torturing her is this way. This is used symbolically as a means to foreshadow Chang Yu-I’s role in becoming one of the first â€Å"modern women† in China, and to pioneer divorce in a society where it was unknown and unaccepted historically. The issues of arranged marriages, forced marriages, and practices like foot-binding in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Best war ever Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Best war ever - Essay Example How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflicts-enough, these alone are enough! But when the war is declared, the objective of the country involved in the war, is to win the war, no matter how it wins! The advanced technology was brutally used in World War II, and it served very well, the ultimate purpose of any war—to win the war, to end the war and to secure peace! The main objective of the war-related technology is to win the war with minimum casualties. Technologically, America was superior on all counts than its enemies in war. It helped to contain and defeat its foremost enemy, Japan. To start with, â€Å"Japan’s naval technology and fighting methods, innovative in the beginning-stages of the war, quickly lagged behind the Allies. Japan lost naval air-battles because its ships and planes did not have the radar.†(Adams, p.62) Air-power dominated during II World War. There was not much difference in their roles like reconnaissance, bombers, fighters and ground-support though each area was technologically far advanced. Some additional roles were seen for the aircrafts in WW II. Airlift the fighting forces and move quickly high-priority supplies, strategic bombing, targeted bombing of the civilian areas to hamper enemy industrial production and inflict casualties to destroy the morale. At the beginning of the war aeronautical warfare played limited role and little success was achieved. But actions at Pearl Harbor, the South China Sea, Taranto, and the Coral Sea changed the complexion of the war. America had the decided advantage in technology. â€Å"For many, including a majority of survivors from the era, the war years have become America’s golden age, a peak in the life of society when everything worked out and the good guys

Mark Zuckerberg Essay Example for Free

Mark Zuckerberg Essay Mark Zuckerberg is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Facebook. Zuckerberg started Facebook in 2004 at the age of 19 from the confines of his Harvard dorm room. Facebook has grown from a college students only craze to the leading social networking sight around the globe. Mark later dropped out of Harvard and moved his company to Palo Alto, California to pursue the growth of his business. Zuckerberg’s job as Chief Executive Officer is to set the tone and direction for product strategy for the entire company. At 27 years old Zuckerberg is one of the youngest Chief Executive Officers in the world. He leads the design of Facebook’s service and development of its core technology and infrastructure (Facebook, 2012). His leadership style is to lead by example, showing passion for his work, he is also about rising to the challenge ever challenging his employees and he expects them to rise to the occasion. Mark is not one to coddle people or give positive feedback, he has been known to seem uninterested even when listening to a pitch or idea weather one on one or in a boardroom (Carlson, 2012). In all actuality he is listening and taking everything in and putting the puzzle pieces together he usually does not acknowledge an employee’s good idea until he takes it and puts it into action (Carlson, 2012). Employees that have confidence in their own abilities, are self-motivating, and emotionally sound are most likely to flourish in the presence of Mark Zuckerberg (Carlson, 2012). Mark’s philosophy is to innovate and execute. One of the values as stated on the company website is: â€Å"We have a saying â€Å"Move fast and break things.† The idea is that if you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough. At Facebook, we’re less afraid of making mistakes than we are of losing opportunities† (Facebook, 2012). In a technology based industry it pays to be cutting edge and the first to the drawing board with new ideas this is important to the Founder of the company as well as the survival of the company as technology advances into the future. Sometimes this philosophy makes Zuckerberg seem reckless like when the company launched Beacon, an advertising program, which would automatically share what you bought online with all of your Facebook friends (Deneen, 2010). This program was launched around the holidays and reviled what some had bought as gifts or even engagement rings all without the users consent (Deneen, 2010). After being first to launch a program of its kind the company then had to rewind and apologize for all the trouble it caused and alter how it would work in the future(Deneen, 2010). Even though Zuckerberg is a kid genius of sorts starting a company so young that has been continually successful as it continues to grow even he had a mentor. His mentor was Steve Jobs who was Co-Founder and CEO of Apple and whom recently passed away (Farooq, 2011). It shows that he admired someone in a similar industry and wanted to learn how Steve grew and managed his company(Farooq, 2011). I think it is important to have a mentor that one can confide in and learn from who is a part of the same industry and has had a career or success that you admire. Having a mentor can help one realize and reach his or her own goals and possibly prevent making mistakes first hand. In this research I learned that your leadership philosophy can change and grow. A lot of the change and growth in Mark Zuckerberg’s philosophy may have come from being so young and having to change and grow with his ever growing business. Being able to adapt to change and rise to the occasion as a CEO of a company is imperative. I hope to apply this in my own industry by thinking outside of the box and being confident enough in myself to share my new ideas. I also learned that you may not always be perceived the way that you hoped while in a leadership position. Mark has been labeled as carless and rash when making decisions to launch new ideas on Facebook. He has launched many concepts that had negative back lash or did not have all the kinks worked out before introducing them to the public. His main goal though is to be innovative and on the cutting edge of his industry and he has stayed true to this regardless of the mistakes made and negativity and scrutiny that comes along with the growth and innovation. As I move up in the business world I hope to stay focused on my personal and company goals and not let negativity from co-workers, media, or friend derail me from my personal goals. My employees may not always understand my methods but it isn’t there job to understand it is there job to rise to the challenges I set in front of them. He has also been criticized for his choice of clothing as a Chief Executive Officer he wears jeans, t-shirts, hoodie sweat shirts, and tennis shoes on the job. He even wore this attire when discussing the possibility of his company becoming publicly traded on Wall Street. He is a no non-sense kind of guy who is not afraid to be and come as he is. He is the brain child of his organization so he is able to dress as he likes on the job without anyone telling him otherwise but outsiders do not agree an let him know that his attire is inappropriate. I think that as I move up in my industry I will keep in mind that first impressions are very important even down to the clothes on my back regardless of how successful I am making a great impression and dressing appropriately for my job will help others to take me and my ideas seriously. References Carlson, N. (2012, January 25). Confessions of a Facebook Employee: What Its Really Like Working For Zuckerberg. Retrieved from Deneen, S. (2010). The Facebook Age. Retrieved from Facebook. (2012). Careers at Facebook. Retrieved from Facebook. (2012). Mangement. Retrieved from Farooq, S. (2011, November 8). Steve Jobs Mentored Me: Mark Zuckerberg. Retrieved from Raising, M. (2011, March 8). Mark Zuckerberg: Transformational Leadership In Action. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Change Management at Netflix

Change Management at Netflix Organizations That Manage Change Well: Netflix’s Constant Evolution â€Å"The only constant in life is change†, a quote by the philosopher Heraclitus in 400 B.C.E remains true today (Graham, 2007). Whether it be in response to a major event or discovery that shakes an organization’s core function, or simply in accordance to incremental transformations, change is inevitable for all organizations. While some organizations experience the pressures of change more often than others, all organization’s must recognize, anticipate, and plan for external change forces, as well as set forth internal organizational changes to remain relevant and competitive in any given industry or field (Chou, 2011). Leaders of organizations must evaluate the industry in which their organization operates within and apply their findings to anticipate possible major changes to minimize disruption, as well as seek new practices and technologies to increase productivity, effectiveness, and overall performance. The adaptability and willingness to change is a co mpany’s greatest competitive advantage. For all organizations, change is a vital and ongoing process, which if implemented and managed correctly, allows an organization to evolve with modern changes and remain successful within their field. Being adaptable and ready for change is a company’s greatest competitive advantage when operating in today’s the rapid and constantly changing global market (Anderson, 1991). This increased presence of change must be met by highly skilled and organized leaders who use methods and strategies to successfully manage changes and their implications (Chou, 2001). One company that has gained and maintained mass success due to their adaptability and forward-thinking methods is Netflix – United States most popular internet streaming service. With over 109 million users, in over  190 countries around the world, streaming more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies streaming per day as of 2017, Netflix is the world’s leading internet entertainment subscription streaming service. The streaming service offers users the ability to stream network and original television series, documentaries, and feature films. The service allows members to watch as much as they want, when they want, and where they want – with service access on nearly any  internet-connected  screen. Members are able to play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments (Netflix, 2016). The company was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in September of 1997 in Scotts Valley, California. The now tenth largest internet company when based on revenue, began as a DVD rental by mail delivery service and has continued to change and adapt its business models and according strategies to external and internal factors ever since its startup (Netflix, 2016). Change has the capacity to better an organization or demise of it. When change is handled and managed successfully, success and growth will result. Netflix’s success, and Blockbuster’s eventual demise are examples of how organizations offering similar products and services can either thrive or fail in the face of external technological and industrial changes. During Netflix’s initial years of operation, both Netflix and Blockbuster offered physical hard copy movie rentals. Blockbuster, which had seamlessly survived the change from VHS to DVD technology, provided its services by means of retail locations where costumers could browse movie options on shelves, make their selection, and pay the initial fee based on various factors such as how recently the film was released, or how many nights the customer wished to rent it for. Originally, Netflix used a similar business model as Blockbuster, basing their services on pay per rental basis, but rather than having retail locations, Netflix customers would go to the company’s website to make their rental selection, that would then be mailed to the customer’s home. However, after a short initial trial of this original method and receiving lackluster response, Netflix introduced a subscription feature to its business model. Subscription members could rent a movie, keep it for however long they wished or return it to rent another for one monthly fee – allowing members to rent as many movies as they wished for one fixed price (Lotz, 2017). The differentiation this created between the two companies’ business models began Netflix’s success in the industry and its domination over its indirect competitors, such as Blockbuster. Blockbuster was heavily dependent on revenues generated from hefty late fees to create a large portion of their revenue as part of their business model. Netflix could charge less for their services, and eliminate late fees from their business model due to their decreased cost of operations. Netflix’s consumer-friendly model of no late fees, low cost and wide media selection overpowered the immediate convenience of going to a corner store to pick up a movie for a night for many consumers (Satel, 2014). By April of 2003, Netflix had reached one million subscribers. Blockbuster launched its response to Netflix’s competitive threat by implementing an online unlimited rental subscription service for the fixed price of $19.99 per month in August of 2004, but by this time Netflix had already established its place and customer base in the market, impeding on Blockbuster’s venture potential (Satel, 2014). Netflix’s initial DVD rental by mail delivery service began stealing market share in the entertainment industry, respectively due to its adaptable business model to fit a niche consumer need. However, Netflix achieved the success that it has today by anticipating and adapting to a major upcoming change that was recognized at the time of its founding. This massive change was the internet and its possibly infinite capabilities. Netflix’s founder, Reed Hastings, stated that he originally dubbed his company the name ‘Netflix’ because even in 1998 he had recognized the potential of the world-wide web. Reed one day he expected, and hoped, that his company would be offering DVD rentals by means of an online streaming service, therefore he wanted to name the company something that complied with its eventual fate (, 2009). Netflix was created at the time of the wide spread adoption of the DVD, founders of the company, Reed and Marc, even tested their initial mailing DVD service idea by mailing a CD-Rom back to themselves because they did not yet own an actual DVD. The founders expected that just like VHS – DVDs would be around for a long time, but anticipated and prepared for the day that they were not. The company’s name and its origin highlight how Netflix as an organization was not only ready for change disruption, but waiting for it from the very beginning. In 2007, Netflix launched the company’s online streaming service. Subscribers were still able to continue mail order DVD rentals, but could also stream a limited number of hours online – all for the fixed monthly subscription price (Huffington Post, 2015). This was the result due to the change of available technology and consumer wants. Just like ten years before when the switch was made from VHS to DVD, the next change was ensuing. This was the adoption and availability of high speed internet and portable computers capable of streaming media. In 2010, Netflix began expanding into the global markets. The company first expanded into Canada, then in 2011 moved into various other countries around the world (Lotz, 2017). Competition quickly ensued, not only were other online steaming services becoming available and more widely utilized, such as Hulu and Amazon Prime Video, but television networks were also beginning to offer online streaming subscription services, as streaming services had enabled consumers to cancel or decrease their cable packages while still enjoying media entertainment, just at a lower cost. To maintain and grow their market share and customer base, Netflix began to produce original and exclusive content in the form of series, movies featuring popular actors, and documentaries. Netflix could produce smash hits for their customers because they created shows based on what their users preferred to watch. By using their own website’s analytics of what their members were watching, for how long, when they stopped watching a series or movie, and more. For example, 70% of media being streamed on Netflix by its’ users are television series (, 2009). These observations helped them to produce highly rated, award winning exclusive series, which helped Netflix to keep their existing members and gain new subscribers. Since online streaming subscriptions have a very low switching cost for users, it was vital that Netflix recognized this potential threat and adapted their practices in accordance (Investopedia, 2016). Although not seamlessly achieved, Netflix has gained and maintained its immense amount of success as an online streaming entertainment subscription service by constantly reinventing itself in accordance to changes in technology, regulation, and consumer wants – all while also creating and pioneering changes within their industry to meet and anticipate the needs of the stakeholder (Management Help, n.d.). This has been achieved by having adaptable and separate business models for each business function, each with their own strategy. These organizational changes would not have successfully occurred without the proper internal implementation, and management of change. Devising the best strategic and tactical plans is essential for success, but cannot be achieved without an in-depth understanding of the human side of change management. This refers to the alignment of the company’s culture, values, behaviors and people to encourage the desired results.   Managing change is a complex, dynamic, and challenging process (Mabey, 1993). It is never a choice between technological or people-oriented solutions, but a combination of both (Bullman, 2000). Effective change has been characterized as unfreezing old behaviors, introducing new ones, and re-freezing the new (Mosca, 2011). Successful organizational change begins at the top. An organization’s leaders and upper management must have a clear and concise understanding of the change that is occurring and be able to clearly articulate it. In times of change and uncertainty, all eyes go to the organization’s leaders for strength and direction.   Leaders must be aligned with one another and moving in the same direction towards the common goal. Next, the case for the change must be clearly laid out. A clear explanation of what changes will occur and why they are necessary must be communicated to every layer within the organization. In times of change, it is essential for all members of the organization to know what is expected of them so that feelings of insecurity and confusion, feelings which can lead to resistance to and denunciation of the change, can be calmed.   A multitude of various factors are associated with failure rates when it comes to succeeding in change management. Even if change is endorsed by management, an ill-conceived implementation plan, lack of commitment from an organization’s leaders, and limited utilization or integration of already existing systems and processes within the organization can lead to the failure to accept and adapt to organizational changes (Mariotti, 1998). Another important aspect of successful change management is knowing the values that matter to the organization and the overall goals the organization wants to achieve. Focusing on reacting to those opportunities for change relevant to overall organizational goals, as opposed to reacting to every invitation for change, helps companies to make smart and practical decisions (Mosca, 2011). Due to globalization and overall resource development, new forces and opportunities for change are occurring more rapidly than ever, it is important to develop responses and proactive actions that align according to an organization’s, or their stakeholder’s needs (Bataldon, 1998). Constant change with a lack of reasoning leads to negative organizational performance, as unnecessary change is a drain on company resources, including financial, and human alike. Large organizations, which employ a high number of employees, will not perform as they become exceedingly bureaucratic. As stated by Steiner, organizations that are known to be bureaucratized and hierarchical are less flexible, and less willing to change, as well as less likely to empower their staff (Steiner, 2001). Organizations will not get full value from their employees if they insist that employees do only what they are told. Therefore, leaders must learn how to manage change, to move forward with successfully. There is no one best way to manage change in an organization. Organizations must introduce approaches to organizational change which matches their specific needs, and requirements (Mosca, 2011) Netflix as an organization has demonstrated their capabilities of successful change management based on their multitude of major changes evident throughout the company’s existence. Netflix has been able to achieve this by their unique and somewhat unprecedented organizational culture. Netflix, although a large organization with nearly five thousand employees (Statista, 2016), is not a typical industrial firm, which is what many of today’s traditional organizational theory and practices are based on, but rather is a creative firm. The difference between the two is substantial – industrial firms thrive on reducing variation, or reducing errors, while creative firms thrive by increasing variation, as stated by the company’s founder and current CEO, Reed Hastings (McCord, 2015). Due to this difference of firm variety, Netflix must create and adhere to different organizational methods relevant to their newer and less common style of business – creative. Netflix’s core culture concept is based on open and honest communication between all levels and in every aspect of the firm’s function. Netflix does not have set vacation policies, rather they encourage employees to decide their own appropriate amount of vacation, when they wish to take it and communicate this to their managers. To encourage employees to utilize this policy, upper management is encouraged to set a precedent by taking vacation time themselves and communicating that to their employees. The CEO even reportedly taking four different week-long vacations in 2015. However, this concept is also protected from abuse by Netflix’s next major culture feature. This is the notion of their compensation method. Results are rewarded, but effort producing no result is not. If an employee, although at one time was extremely valuable and well liked, no longer fits Netflix’s changing needs, they will be given an honest explanation and very generous severance package. Netflix has found that by focusing on building the best team by having the best talent has enabled them to continue to adapt and evolve as a company. Once an employee can no longer benefit the company, they are able to bring in new talent to keep company moving forward. Employees of Netflix understand this concept upon being hired, which is why almost all severed employees are understanding and accepting of their termination. Netflix believes in trusting in the hired talent to complete the given tasks in the best way the talent sees fit. Netflix giving their employees the freedom of autonomy allows for flexibility, and innately eliminates the issues resulting from bureaucratic or hierarchical structure, something that can often arise in a firm of Netflix’s size (Mosca, 2011). Netflix found that by replacing rules with transparency, accountability, and trust, overall productivity and performance improves, and expenses decrease. Netflix believes in hiring good, talented people – letting common sense and acting in the best interest of the company guide employee behavior (McCord, 2015). Due to new technology, regulatory changes, societal or stakeholder expectations, as well as competitors – rule-driven organizations, operating within a rapidly changing industry, are unable to keep up with the constant adaption required to gain or remain successful, losing customers and market share to those organizations that do have the capability to evolve. Netflix maintains its ability to change through its organizational culture concept – freedom and responsibility. The company invests in hiring the best possible talent, and rewards high-performer – weeding out continuous, unimproved low performers. References Graham, D. W. (2007, February 08). Heraclitus. Retrieved October 25, 2017, from Anderson, P., & Tushman, M. (1991). MANAGING THROUGH CYCLES OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE. Research Technology Management, 34(3), 26-31. Chou, & Zolkiewski. (2011). Managing resource interaction as a means to cope with technological change. Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Research. Mabey C. Mayon-White. (1993). Managing change. 2nd ed. The Open University: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd. Davies C, Finlay L, Bullman A. (2000). Changing Practice in health and social care. The Open University: SAGE Publication. Rosenberg, S., & Mosca, J. (2011). Breaking down the barriers to organizational change. International Journal of Management and Information Systems, 15(3), 139. Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from Lotz, A. (2017, October 26). The unique strategy Netflix deployed to reach 90 million worldwide subscribers. Retrieved October 27, 2017, from Mariotti J. (1998). 10 steps to positive change. Ind Week. How Netflix got started. (2009, January 27). Retrieved October 26, 2017, from I. (2016, January 12). Netflix: Porters 5 Forces Analysis. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from Netflix: employee count 2016 | Statistic. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from Organizational Change and Development (Managing Change and Change Management). (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2017, from McCord, P. (2014). How netflix reinvented HR. Harvard Business Review, 92(1), 71-76. One Huge Reason For Netflixs Success. (2015, March 03). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from Satell, G. (2014, September 21). A Look Back At Why Blockbuster Really Failed And Why It Didnt Have To. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Relationship Between Pressure Groups and the News Media :: The Mass Media and Environmental Issues

Nowadays, it is comprehensible to hear that crowded citizens flourished on the street or gathered in front of the official government in order to advocacy their appeals towards government or pressing the ‘sluggish’ government. These phenomenons could be identified by social activities lead by pressure group and as the forms of expressing public opinion ( Grant, 1999:4). However, news media also reveals similar functions with pressure groups by attracting public attention and raising public awareness on certain issues, even influencing government’s decision on a great extent. This essay will mainly focus on analysising how pressure groups successfully utilize and affect news media in terms of enhancing the public attention to their campaigns which accompany with a few negative examples of pressure groups about misues news media. Besides, this essay will critically argue about the relationship between pressure groups and news media; some techniques exerted by pressure groups in media area and how news media reacted to pressure groups. There are several types of pressure groups existing in current society which they possess different values and aims. In details, causes groups may eager to set up certain debates in political agenda and expected to receive effectual political action (Grant, 2000, P126); sectional groups might need to attract public attention to their problems but sometimes they prevent public attention in order to conducted via au fait consultative channels (Grant, 2000, P126); interest groups which easily to understand in its literal meanings used to upgrade their interest in political agenda by utilizing media (Grant, 2000, P127). Therefore, certain pressure groups require higher level of media assistance compared with others. Furthermore, despite of pressure groups relate to political agenda, environmental groups have established long-history relationship with news media that could be identified by large amount of environmental articles in media coverage (Hansen, 1993, P5). In details, mo st well-known environmental groups employed rich experience staff; those workers involved in making environmental news before or providing environmental information to journalists that will guarantee their campaign issues are similar or familiar with favourable news coverage (Hansen, 1993, P5). However, environmental groups are taken significant advantages in news coverage compared with other pressure groups due to the environmental news are more mediagenic and equivalent to news criteria (Hansen, 1993, P5). Despite of the pressure groups require news media at a variety level, different form of news media might present diverse effects depends on its functions and targeted audiences.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Leading at a Higher Level

IntroductionThe book under consideration is named â€Å"Leading at a Higher Level† and this extraordinary book was written by Ken Blanchard. The author has previously written numerous books namely The One Minute Manager, Raving Fans and now this book. The books written by the aforementioned author have turned out to be helpful for a number of people in perfecting their own leadership skills and expand the prospective of those around them.Now, in Leading at a Higher Level, Ken Blanchard discloses the answers to superlative leadership. Anyone and everyone can profit from the recommendations in this book that have previously helped thousands of leaders and business’ become more oriented around its people, centered on the satisfaction of its customers and performance-driven. The author introduces the readers to innumerable concepts such as the â€Å"triple bottom line† and how to use it to generate effectual objectives and visions.The book provides the readers with t he ways to determine ways to turn customers into what the author calls â€Å"raving fans† and build up a proper â€Å"customer mania.† Any of the higher authorities of an organization can use the techniques presented by the author in his book their own guidance, for leading teams as well as complete organizations. It can also help one in finding their own individual â€Å"leadership point of view†, which is a skill that all really great leaders have power over and it is also helpful in finding out how to relate it all the way through your entire life. By the use of this book, regardless of who or what place you are at, one can produce high-performing business; that can ease out life for everyone. Hoist your game, improve your presentation and make sure that you are foremost at a higher level.ReviewAs said, â€Å"Leaders in any realm of life can become self-serving when the driving reason for being in business is based solely on profit. While profit is a legitim ate goal, neglecting to see leadership as part of a higher calling diminishes the capacity to influence others and impact the greater good† (William, p.1). Leading at a Higher Level scrutinizes the notion of leading with a higher rationale, which necessitates a persuasive visualization and a way of life that the expansion of people is in the same way important to that of presentation. Author Ken Blanchard dares readers to show the way by asking themselves about their own realities, what they position for, and how they can take the inventiveness even if they do not have authoritative power.In the aforementioned book, the author along with a number of his colleagues has made the efforts to put forward their own understanding of top-notch leadership. By reading the book one can learn just how to create aims and objectives for the organization and the ways by which you can make your existence known as well as where your company is moving.Blanchard expands his step forward work on conveying well-known customer service and creating what he calls â€Å"raving fans.† In the book one will find the state-of-the-art dialogue of the well-known Situational Leadership II techniques for leading yourself, persons, teams, and complete businesses. Most significantly, Leading at a Higher Level the book is a big help if one wishes to take a good look at himself, determine the private â€Å"leadership point of view† and then use it for the rest of his or her life.  In the words of the author, â€Å"those who want to lead at a higher level need to understand what a high performing organization looks like and what is necessary to create one. They need to aim for the right target. Profit is the applause you get for taking care of your customers and creating a motivating environment for your people† (Blanchard, p.4).The author believes that anyone who wishes to become a better leader in any company, any organization, and any area of life needs to have a fi xed aim, follow the right idea, focus on the â€Å"bottom lines† that really matter at the same time as providing the customers with good support and deliver your ideal customer experience, and create â€Å"raving fans†. But most of all what he wants to deliver is that leaders should, â€Å"Listen, praise, support, guide, and help your people win† (Blanchard, p.5).The book is extremely informative when it comes to learning how to lead your people to enormity as you create elevated performing organizations that make life better for everyone. This book will direct you, motivate you, incite you, and be your criterion. Ken Blanchard along with a vast number of his colleagues are people that have spent a number of years in serving good leaders and organizations become grand, and as well as stay that way. In this book, they have made an effort to bring together everything they have learnt in the years gone by. By this book one can discover how to, â€Å"Go beyond the short term and zero in on the right target and vision, deliver legendary, maniacal customer service, and earn raving fans, truly empower your people and unleash their incredible potential, ground your leadership in humility and focus on the greater good† (Blanchard, p.10). Since a very long time, a vast number of people have benefited from the insight, understanding, and convenient procedures.From my personal point of view, the book is excellently written providing examples from the lives of real leaders. The book has been written in a very exciting manner and one can not get bored while reading it. Speaking for myself, I have not found anything negative about the book.ConclusionIn the light of the above discussion we can hereby culminate that the book that has been mentioned above namely Leading at a Higher Level was written by Ken Blanchard and the book is related to the ways in which leaders can understand themselves and then lead themselves, their teams and the entire org anizations on the way to success.Works CitedBlanchard, Ken. Leading at a Higher Level: Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations.   United States of America. FT Press. 2006 Pp. 4,5,10.Williams, Susan. Leading at a Higher. Financial Times. 2007. Pp.1.

Gender Bias Essay

The concept of equality is regarded as an inalienable human right that should be enjoyed by all individuals regardless of their gender, race, religion, and other differential factors (United Nations, 2009). However, it is clearly seen that this is not practiced in the society that exists today. Discrimination still persists and this is greatly exemplified by the inequality that is based on gender differences. It is undeniable that women are still placed in a disadvantageous or inferior position as compared with their male counterparts. There are indeed substantial changes that have taken place in the past that made the situation of women better than before. Nevertheless, it is still obvious that there are still many changes that should be made before women can achieve the real essence of equality that they rightfully deserve. The discriminatory practices against women can be rooted back in the early history of the world wherein philosophers are still trying to make sense in the world that human beings live in. Even in the past, women have already been seen as inferior to men and this is evidently proven in the development of language. According to Becky Michele Mulvaney, the author of the article entitled â€Å"Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience,† gender is both an influence of and a product of communication. In line with this, she pointed out how the idea of gender is first learned by an individual through talking with other people. A person could see the difference between the language that is used by girls and is often characterized by qualifiers and fillers to soften their message. There are words that are acceptable if used by a boy but not by a girl. Moreover, famous philosophers also focused on the image of an active male that makes a female as mere a supporting character. This is exemplified by Plato who defined women as â€Å"lesser men† and Aristotle who said that women are â€Å"a deformity, a misbegotten male;† as well as St Thomas Aquinas who argues that women should not have been created by God (Mulvaney, 2004). In the same manner, discriminatory practices against women still continue up to this present time. The patriarchal influences of key personalities in history and the general perspective of the people before, that women are inferior to men established a societal thinking that further propagated this view. Despite the improvements in the status of women in the society, it is evident that they are still perceived as second class citizens. This is proven in the professional lives of women wherein there are still biases and discrimination practiced against them because of their gender. Even though there are women that are already working in industries that are previously dominated by males, there is still an observable discrepancy that shows that a large number of men are in the working force. Furthermore, women are also having difficulties climbing the professional ladder of success because they are not given a fair consideration because of their gender even if they have the same capabilities sometimes even better skills than their male contenders (Farough, 2005). Being the case, it can be said that the inequality experienced by women is often not in terms of their age, race, or religion even though these factors are often intertwined. The inequality that they have to go through especially in their jobs is brought about by the social construct that women are inferior to men. The society, the one that is responsible for creating this concept, should also be the one responsible to deconstruct the notion of gender inequality. In order to do so, it entails using approach that deals with the cooperation and collaboration of people regardless of their genders. The Feminist/Sociological approach entails that people should work toward deconstructing this gender bias especially the males, and should realize that there are more disadvantageous effects if this inequality persists as compared with the privilege that they get from it (Farough, n. d. ). Furthermore, gender inequality could also be addressed through the proper use of language and communication. People should realize that language and communication are also intercultural factors wherein diversity should be accepted because there of the inherent differences between males and females (Mulvaney, 2004). However, it should be remembered that these differences should not render one gender inferior than the other. References Farough, S. (2005). The Negative Consequences of Male Privilege. In Understanding and anaging Diversity: Readings, Cases, & Exercises. 3rd edition. (Chapter 21). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Mulvaney, B. M. (2004) Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience. In International Communication: A Global Reader. (pp. 221-229). United States: SAGE Publications. United Nations. (2009). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved January 13, 2008, from http://www. un. org/Overview/rights. html.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How to Survive the First Year of College Essay

Everyone has a different college experience. The time we spend and relationships we form vary from person to person, but there are some commonalities most freshman experience in their first year in college. What follows are some simple and easy tips and suggestions to help those clueless and frightening incoming freshman survive their first year of college. The first tip of advice I would give anyone to make the most of their experience is to leave or expand comfort zones. To make the most of this time it will be inevitable to leave the bubble that have involuntarily formed over the past four years of high school. It is important to get out there and push the comfort levels that have been formed. Next, it is very important to make new friends. As we move away from high school and drift away from our past relationships, it is vital to form new relationships and make new friends to spend this important time of our lives with. Friends play a key role in our social growth and development. Friends will also play a crucial role in our college experience. They are there to support us and help us through the tough times that we all experience during college. They help us through the homesickness, relationships troubles, and anything else that comes our way and are possibly the single most important factor in surviving college. Another key to thriving in college is to get involved in extra-circular activities, groups, or teams. Getting involved is a great way to accomplish multiple of the above tips. This is an easy way to expand comfort zones and to meet new people in the process. Extra groups provide a good way to fill daily schedules and keep busy in between classes and homework. My next tip, is to go to class and to do the best possible in those classes. However, do not get overly stressed out or to focused on classes. When we become overly stressed nothing productive gets done and that benefits no one. Classes are important, however, missing a couple classes or not getting an A on that exam will not ruin any plans for the future. College is as much  a social experience as an educational one. It is important to find a good balance between the two and not to become consumed by the class work and studying. The next suggestion is the easiest. Find the library. The library is one of the most important buildings on campus. It is a nice quiet place that people go to study whenever they need to. When the dorm or apartment is bustling and focusing becomes too difficult, its nice to have somewhere quiet to go so that you can finish that project or write that essay. Lastly, enjoy your time in college. After college we enter the real world and workplace and it can be a scary thought. My best advice is just to make the most of these years and enjoy it in whatever way works best. So just relax and enjoy your time. College is a rollercoaster ride. No matter what we experience and no matter how different it may be it will have its ups and its downs. But when it comes down to it college is supposed to be one of the best times of our lives. So no matter what happens, the best advice anyone can give is just to enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critique the Financial Analysis and Research Paper

Critique the Financial Analysis and - Research Paper Example and 122 in Canada. The company employs over 361,000 associates in the United States (Yahoo, 2013). In the U.S. there are about 5,000 department stores with combined revenue of about $120 billion annually (Target, 2012). In the U.S. the discount department store industry is highly concentrated with the eight largest companies accounting for almost 100% of revenues. Wal-Mart and Target are leading the pack. In this industry the main factors driving demand are consumer spending related to economic outlook and population growth. In order to remain profitable in this highly competitive industry driven by ever lower margins companies depend on efficient supply chain management, high volumes, effective merchandising and competitive pricing in order to maintain profitability. Target is following an industry trend of adding and converting major markets stores into supercenters which combine traditional general merchandise with a fully stocked grocery store to help drive store traffic, since c ustomers spend more on groceries more than any other product category (Hoover’s First Research, 2013). 2) There are significant business challenges in this industry which dictate the success of its major players. The industry is characterized by its dependence on high volumes and extremely low operating margins. In order to keep prices low the industry has a heavy dependence on imports in most of their key merchandise categories. In general terms gross margin percentages for discount department stores can be 10-20% lower than traditional department stores. Although there is also growing recent and resistance from communities that perceives giant discounters as a major threat to their local economy and small business community. In terms of economic growth for the industry it is forecast to grow at an annual rate of 1% from 2013-2017 (Hoover’s First Research). We will analyze Target Corp. for its fiscal year ended 2/2/2013 and compare it with the industry averages in terms of overall financial performance, financial ratio analysis and investment potential. In order to gauge the company’s liquidity we will analyze the quick ratio as well as their debt to equity ratio and compare it with the industry. We will look at the inventory turnover ratio to gauge operational efficiency and inventory management compared with the industry. In order to measure management effectiveness, shareholders returns and profitability we will analyze the price/earnings ratio, return on equity, earnings per share and net profit margin versus industry averages (Yahoo). Target Industry Average Quick Ratio .54 .50 Debt to Equity Ratio 91.53 67.6 Inventory Turnover Ratio 6.4 4.4 P/E Ratio 17.24 15.8 Return on Equity 14.84% 11.3% Earnings per Share 3.74 5.2 Net Profit Margin 4.17% 2.7 4) As one of the most successful discount department stores, Target must be extremely efficient in their operations in order to remain profitable. Target has a slightly higher debt to eq uity ratio compared with industry average. The company is effectively managing its levels of financial leverage in order to increase shareholder benefits and maximize growth and stock performance. By analyzing the company's quick ratio it demonstrates that the company has maintained an above average level of liquidity to meet their short and long term liabilities as compared with

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cash Flow Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cash Flow - Case Study Example Yum Brands Inc. operates six in different segments including YUM Restaurant International, Pizza Hut (US), Taco Bell (US), KFC (US), A&W All American Food Restaurant (US), YUM Restaurant China and LJS Long John Silver’s (US). This paper comments on the difference between net cash provided by operating activities and net income by speculating on which is likely to be superior sign of profitability for the firms in the long term. The paper also comments on the data reviewed by each firm and analyze cash flow position of each firm. After analyzing the cash flows of the companies as per the information given in the case, the paper finally ends with a conclusion that comments on whether these companies has any cash flow problems or not. Net Cash Position of the Firms According to the given case study, the financial statements of the three restaurant firms for the financial year 2009 and 2010 was extracted from their respective form 10-K annual reports and the following results were found: It is important to mention that the net income of all three companies include non-controlling interest (that is, non-equity shareholders). From the above analyses it is clear that there is difference between net cash provided operating activities and net income including non-controlling interest. ... On the other hand, net income including non-controlling interest is the income of the company from all its operations and also includes external finances such as non-controlling interest (which is basically earnings from preferential equity or other fixed financial instruments). The value is not adjusted for non-cash incomes or expenditures such as working capital and depreciation (Porter and Norton, 2010, pp.666-676). Also, it does not classify exact cash amount realised from operations. This is main reason as to why there was difference between net income including non-controlling interest and net cash provided operating activities. Regarding the speculation of which number is likely to be better indicator of long term profitability, it is generally believed that net cash provided by operating activities is better indicator. This is because it is useful to determine whether the firms will be able to make necessary future investment and pay its dues in the long term. The companies m ay look great from their balance sheet and income statements, but if there isn’t sufficient cash, then it might run risk of liquidation (Plewa, 1995, pp.1-18). Data Review of the Firms The summarized data review of the three firms reveals the following results: Operating cash flow/total debt – It represents the amount of total debt that could be covered from the cash flows generated by the firms from operating activities. Higher values indicate that there is sufficient cash to repay total debt. Among the three firms under observation, this ratio was highest for Panera Bread and there was a general increasing trend in the values. Operating cash flow per share – It indicates exactly how much of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Health Promotion Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Promotion Assessment - Essay Example Second would be perceived severity wherein the health practice that is campaigned and promoted are evaluated of the consequences and the threats that may be associated with it. The third dimension is the perceived benefits such that the usefulness and efficiency of the preventive actions in the health promotion is assessed. The barriers that might affect the health promotion are the fifth dimension. The assessment of difficulties and negative consequences of the preventive behaviour at the same time affects the compliance of the community regarding the preventive practice being introduced or implemented to them. Finally, the fifth dimension is the cues to action that triggers the community or the participating group of the society and helps them to decide as to whether comply with the promoted health practice or not. However, health motivation is further added recently to the model. This includes the individual's readiness to be concerned about their health. The HBM provides a strong framework for health promotion programmes, stressing the need to identify a link between an individual's risk behaviour and disease in order to highlight the severity of the disease and to make it relatively easy to engage in behaviour likely to lead to a reduction in risk for that disease. (Bunton & McDonald, 2002) The Social Learning Theory, however states that behaviour is the outcome of an interaction between cognitive processes and environmental events. One of its basic tenets is that behaviour is guided by expected consequences. Thus, having such principles, given that the community or the participating group have obtained good experiences from the promotion, the reinforcement is possible. This may further lead the group to be more engaged in the behaviour encouraged by the health campaign because of the perceived positive experience. On the other hand, negative experiences, the less likely they are reinforced, their behaviours tend to minimize their participation or worse, not to adapt the practice at all. When individuals avoid such punishments by engaging in an alternative form of behaviour, it is termed negative reinforcement. These processes are important mediators of the uptake and maintenance of many health-related behaviours. (Bunton & McDonald, 2002) Health Belief Model The implementation of Health Belief Model (HBM) involving the now six dimensions that are considered significant in the reinforcement of a health campaign or promotion is generally deemed effective. It has a flexible nature that can be applied to a wide range of health behaviours as well as it can address to a large group of population that is the target participant or group of a particular health campaign. Some of the areas that can be best applied with this theoretical model are those that concerns preventive health behaviours including health-promoting behaviours and heath-risk behaviours. Vaccination and the practice of using contraceptives are also included in the preventive health behaviours that can be covered by the HBM. Another health behaviour wherein HBM can be used would be the sick role behaviours that refers to the target participants' compliance to the recommended medical regimens or