Thursday, November 28, 2019

Assignment Help

Assignment Help Assignment Help Top Quality Assignment Help In order to write a good essay or term paper, or any other piece of academic writing a person has to become almost a professional in the sphere. A student has to study the material, to make a research in the field, carefully to sort out the presented information, to arrange all the ideas in a proper way, to make a piece of writing being impressive and informative, to present all the facts in a logical way. That is why all such essay assignments are considered to be very complicated ones. Each essay assignment presupposes analyzing the information, understanding the problem, expressing your idea in a clear way. Due to this reason the majority of students turn to the assignment help services in order their essay assignments to be written for them by the professionals. Our assignments help is a friendly hand of help for all the students who for this or hat reason are not able to accomplish their essay assignment: All the essay assignments written within our assignment help meet all the standards and requirements, that is why you do not have to trouble yourself with the thought whether you are going to get a good or bad grade. Our assignments help not only completely satisfies even the most demanded customer but also even exceeds his or her expectations. That is why our assignment help is so popular with the students. Original essay assignments, free of any kinds of mistakes, fully researched and completed are doomed to success, are not they? Guarantee of your excellent results is our passion. We are ready to meet any deadline of our customers, so we can proudly say that our assignment help is always on time and top quality help. Our clients appeal to us, as they want to save their time and their energy for essay assignments completing. If there is a marvelous opportunity to get your essay assignment written for you, why not to use it, especially if this opportunity is for the rather affordable price. If speaking about the policy of confidentiality it should be stressed that we pay a great attention to this question. If you use our assignments help you receive 100 per cent of privacy of your personal information. We understand very well that keeping confidentiality is a matter of honor that is why you may be sure that your personal information is in the reliable hands. Read more: What is a Thesis? Thesis Writing Format Thesis Papers in Education Thesis Methodology Thesis Ideas

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Gold Rushes

The Gold Rushes What could be more American than the gold rush? Well, here are four of them. Californias was not the first nor the last. Earlier Gold Rushes While the 1849 Gold Rush is the one we capitalize, it was not the first gold rush. That one happened in North Carolina starting in 1803.  Not even coin collectors may know about that one, because unlike later gold rushes no federal mint was established there at the time. Nevertheless, all of Americas gold coinage from 1804 to 1828 was Carolina gold, shipped to Philadelphia for minting. The next gold rush happened in the hills of Georgia in 1828, in Cherokee country near the town of Dahlonega. A mint was duly established there, and the original D mint mark is found on coins from 1838 to 1861. A gold museum is there today, and historical markers around Lumpkin County point out mine after extinct mine. Another mint opened in Charlotte at this time to serve the mature gold mines of the Carolinas. The California Gold Rush Were all taught that early in 1848, on the 24th of January, James Marshall found gold nuggets in the flume of the water-driven mill he was building in Coloma, California Territory. The news took a while to build steam, but once it did California was swiftly transformed, and the Forty-Niner entered the worlds folklore. The Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park site has a good summary of the events of that day. There were parallels between Georgia and California. Hordes of outsiders poured in, stripped the land of the easy gold, and pushed out the original inhabitants. Soon the romantic- and destructive- prospectors and panners gave way to organized mining firms, which won the bulk of the wealth. A federal mint was established in both states to turn the gold dust into legal tender- Dahlonegas turned out gold coinage with the D mint mark until the Civil War began, and San Franciscos still makes specimen coins today with the S mark. (The original San Francisco mint is a cherished landmark building that survived the 1906 earthquake and fire, safeguarding its supply of money and helping fund the recovery.) Later Gold Rushes Lesser gold rushes over the next half-century left their traces elsewhere in the American West, in Nevada, Oregon, Colorado and Utah. The Colorado gold rush began in 1859, and many former Forty-Niners, themselves former twenty-eighters, set up diggings there. More natives were displaced, and another mint arose in Denver (again with the D mark) that still operates today. Some old coins bear a CC from the short-lived mint in Carson City, Nevada, which was not just a gold rush but a silver rush. But the classic gold rush ended with the turn of the century, starting in 1898 in the Klondike district of the Canadian Yukon and neighboring Alaska. This is the one that Charlie Chaplin reenacted in the movie The Gold Rush. Modern mining companies moved in quicker than ever, and the days of amateur gold hunters striking it rich ended. (North Ontarios major gold rush in 1910, for instance, was a fast-moving corporate affair.) By Chaplins time, just a generation later, history had become farce. Instead, gold-rush history has become a kind of pay dirt, and sites all over the Web serve up choice nuggets about the Klondikes glory days. Today the real money in gold belongs to serious miners, guided by serious geologists. Thus geology, the most practical science, creates the worlds wealth, and that is why the seal of the U.S. Geological Survey features mining tools. Some companies still work the old gold-rush grounds, but most of the diggings are anonymous waste lands today. PS: Many gold rush localities are fondly maintained today as attractive destinations for visitors and tourists. Try these: Columbia, CaliforniaCoos Canyon, MaineKlondike, AlaskaOld Sacramento, CaliforniaSkagway, AlaskaWickenburg, Arizona

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection on Film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection on Film - Movie Review Example One of the key functions of the movie was to depict a current reflective model has several aims for the young nurses to be successful. Â  The current model aims to meet the aspirations of the modern medical healthcare services by increasing the recruitment of nurses. One of the most critical components for these young medical professional is to put them in an environment in which they can enhance their skill base and competences with the hosptial’s development progress. More focus is emphasized on training while increasing the staff morale in midst of adversities. Furthermore, the goal was to escalate the interpersonal communications of these students in order for them to communicate with their patients. It is evident that patients and the hospitals want to have this symbiotic relationship in which habits of trust and confidentiality are solidified. The movie focused on organizational methods and education offers many incentives for its members. First and foremost, it allows nurses to have mentors and create a solid foundation of network that will allow its members to have a connection for recruitment purposes. Another incentive to join this organization is the fact that it implements a model that should be developed for nursing students should be simple in order to facilitate the process. It should consist of peer collaboration, discussion, research and testing along with shadowing a medical professional. These steps are vital because they solidify the foundation of core competencies along with remedying deficiencies. Needs were assessed based on quantified manner. In essence, research was based on the assessment and further investigation that the patients condition was severe. Additionally, much of the emphasis was based on patient-nurse relationship, which was depicted consistently throughout the movie. Reflect practice was another common theme in this movie as reflective practice becomes an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

American political history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American political history - Essay Example War on terror is one of the major outcomes of the 9/11 incident. It started from Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, immediately after the 9/11 incident. America believes that the major culprits behind 9/11 Osama and Mulla Omar (Taliban leader) are currently operating from the Afghan-Pakistan borders. In order to seize Laden and Mulla Omar and also to destroy Taliban from Afghanistan, America started the Afghan war immediately after the 9/11. It is widely known that the roots of contemporary terrorism originated in Afghanistan when United States sponsored Afghan mujahideen in their bid to repel Soviet Union which resulted in the formation of CIA trained terrorists united under the banner of Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda† (Ahmed, 2005, p.3). Afghanistan is an uncivilized country and most of the people in Afghanistan are illiterate. Religious fundamentalism is at tits bests in Afghanistan because of the organizations like Taliban. Earlier during the cold war period, Soviet Union intruded into the Afghanistan territories and America did everything possible to remove Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The United States never thought that they will face the consequences of their action in future when they cultivate religious fundamentalism in Afghanistan in order to expel Soviet troops. America deliberately cultivated strong patriotism and religious fundamentalism in the veins of the Afghan people during the Soviet regime in Afghanistan. America made the Afghan people aware of the evil effects of communism. They spread the propaganda that Soviet regime may destroy religion from Afghanistan so that the dominant Muslim population in Afghanistan may be forced to avoid their religious beliefs in future. In other words, America tried to exploit the religious beliefs

Monday, November 18, 2019

Antigone and Euthyphro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Antigone and Euthyphro - Essay Example The nature of piety was altercated in ancient literature through the characters of Antigone and Euthyphro. Antigone and Euthyphro’s individual’s beliefs and perception of how rules must be taken were the forces that influenced them to choosing decisions that shaped their recognition about the nature of piety. The life story of Antigone indeed began with a tragedy, which had provoked her to make a decision that changed the course of her life, or perhaps, has become the instrument to ending her life through unjust means. Antigone was trapped in a situation, where she had to choose between what is right based on her conscience, and on what is right based on the legal code of Thebes. Apparently, conflicts were brought by the opposing view of Antigone and Creon on the type of law that must be sustained, referring to the divine law and the human law. Despite this conflicting belief, Antigone was certain that the human law does not surpass the divine law, when it comes to what is morally right for people. For this reason, she stood by her conviction that religious piety supersedes whatever law is created by people, who claim as rulers or kings in this world. For Antigone, even the punishment of death will not defy her devotion to the divine law. Antigone’s views adhere to the idea that there is more to life than being devoted to an earthly government, whose doctrines do not agree with the authentic nature of piety. That is, decisions in life must not dwell on human laws that dishonor the essence of the divine law -- the laws, which are there to guide people of what is morally right and wrong. By and large, Sophocles’s Antigone encapsulates the weaknesses of an earthly government, where the elected military leaders reap the benefits of them having judicial authority. Antigone is being oppressed by the tyranny of an earthy government that is ruled by a male leader, whose interpretation of justice violates the divine law. Still, in spite of th eir oppression, Antigone was willing to sacrifice her life so that Polyneices may rest in eternal peace. No earthly law hindered here to fulfilling her duty to the corpse of her brother Polyneices. In the end, Antigone may have died, but her pious devotion became the instrument to amending the flaws of the justice system in a city that is oppressed by tyrants. The story of Euthyphro, on the one hand, narrates the experiences of Euthyphro as he pushes for the prosecution of his own father, who had murdered a servant. Similar to Antigone, Euthyphro’s desire to let his father bear the consequences of his actions was a result of him believing that what he was doing was a pious thing. However, the presence of Socrates in this story made the character of Euthyphro confused over the real meaning of piety, for Euthyphro has always believed that making his father liable for killing an individual is the right thing to do, and that his father has committed a wrongdoing, which is impious . Socrates was the key to letting Euthyphro realize that his own beliefs of what is pious do not justify the act of being pious itself. Euthyphro agrees to the nature of piety but he did not fully understand how it may apply in seeking for authentic justice not in the eyes of an earthly court, but in the eyes of the gods. He was adamant to defend not his own father, but the victim, who his own father has killed, and for Euthyphro this is deemed an act of piety. It is an act of piety not because it is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Decision Making at McDonalds

Impact of Decision Making at McDonalds This academic essay is related to strategic management and leadership in McDonalds. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the impact of decision making in an organisation i.e. McDonalds. In this cut throat competition which is prevailing in the market, it is my understanding that leadership and proactive strategy plays vital role in overall organisations success. In addition to this it has become apparent that strategic management and leadership operate at parallel level in an organisation. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: It deals with the most fundamental and basic question that involve the very existence of the whole organisation and guide the whole companys future. (Napuk,1999) Strategic management entails both strategic planning and implementation, and is the process of identifying and executing the organizations strategic plan, by matching the companys capabilities with the demands of its environment.(Arit Gadiesh and James Gilbert, 2001) In laymans term strategic management provides overall direction to the organisation. This in turn entails specifying the organisations mission, vision and objectives, developing plans etc. LEADERSHIP: Leadership is defined as influence, that is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievements of the groups mission. Visionary leadership inspires the impossible: fiction becomes truth. (Corporate strategy 1997 Richard Lynch) In leadership, people run the organisation to one place or another for the achievement of its objectives. Leadership is a great tool in achieving success for the organization, not just through charisma, but through good judgement, proper motivation of employees effective utilization of materials. LINK BETWEEN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP: Due to a rapidly changing world, organizations face incredible pressures in delivering immediate results. This necessitates for strategic management because there is a great need to maximize every available resource to achieve the organizations goal. To manage an ever increasing demand for company effectiveness, there is a great need for strategic leadership to approach these conditions priorities. For any ongoing business, it is mainly important to implement strategies through effective leaders. Real strategic leadership means taking responsibility for the future as well as what is happening today. A primary goal of strategic leadership is gaining a better understanding of the business conditions, the environment and the leading indicators that identify new trends and situations that may arise. According to the situation, leadership styles can be varied like autocratic, democratic and charismatic and so on. In any organisation it is required to have a good strategic management with good leadership skills. These two must be in parallel positions for the organizations success. LEADERSHIP STYLES ON DIFFERENT SITUATION IN MCDONALDS As I have taken McDonald as case study, I would like to discuss the management style that operates in this company. Based on my understanding, McDonald operates with a Democratic style of management. This realisation comes to me while I am working with the company and it gives freedom and flexibility of change according to different situations. In this style, the employee and people associated with the company have more participatory role in the decision making process. McDonald has a democratic style and there is a less gap between manager and employees. They have two way relationships between them. They have a comfortable working pattern. So the manager can easily get the feedback from the employees. Also on the other hand, the employees understand the situation and they follow the rules without any difficulty. There are same levels of working. According to the different situation they have a different style of leadership. In this particular approach, the store manager has all power to run the branch but still allows employees to share their ideas and insights. Also in McDonald, every employee has a participative role in the decision making process. All employees have to work with their strengths and provide input on how to delegate work within the team. The management gives more importance to work in a team rather than doing individually. In McDonald, ideas move freely amongst the group and discussed openly thus ultimately achieving their objective. This works both ways for the company by fulfilling individual objectives in line with the overall objective of organisation. The management of this organization motivates the employees to do more work by involving them into decisions which really affects the objective of the organisation. This particular approach influences the productivity of employees and they feel important to be a part of the organisation by providing a value. They lead all the employees to the same level and the manager always tries to know the strengths and weakness of employees. To overcome these difficulties, they provide appropriate training career development programmes. McDonald has flexible working hours which provides stress-free environment. They are free to ask with the manager about schedules. The way McDonald management adapts to different situations, a strong relationship is being formed between the subordinates and the managers. OBJECTIVE OF MCDONALDS: The main objective of McDonald is to make people aware of each product on offer, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. Because of this, McDonald need to give importance understand the value of both employees and customers. Happy employees serve well and results to satisfied customers. This serves as a win-win situation for both organisation and employee. McDonald has continuously done internal marketing this is important as it precedes external marketing. It goes in line with the ultimate aim of creating not just service leadership but management service. This delivery process is the key to achieving the aim of the company. IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON STRATEGIC DECISION: Good leadership is adapting to any changes at any time doing the right things at the right time. Because of democratic style of leadership, employees can work comfortably and they can share their ideas and insights with the management. Also in McDonald, managers effectively delegates work to their subordinates and give them full control and responsibility to the tasks. Managers welcome feedback on the result of initiatives and the work environment. Strategic decision has to be made by leaders who have the ability to take effective decisions and adapt to changes in any situation. Because of democratic leadership, employees and managers easily understand the situation and cope with it. They work freely and comfortably. In McDonald all employees have a right to participate in the objective of organisation. McDonald has a strategic decision which is implicated and formulated by leaders and managers of the organisation. First they decide the future plans and objective of McDonald and how to get there in minimum time. They also motivate people to do more work and they appreciate their work by giving the performance award at the end of month. CONCLUSION: From above discussion, I came to a conclusion that in adapting democratic style McDonald is really effective in providing value to employees. Although this style may bring out differences in ideas, it still ends up with formulating a common decision. McDonalds management leadership style is useful as well as to other organisations where managers and employees easily understand the situation and work accordingly. Strategic management and leadership correlates with each other. Without making any effective strategic decision, leadership cannot work and it cannot reach to the final objective of an organisation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nuclear Core :: Earth Science Essays

Nuclear Core The Earth’s core is a massive nuclear fission reactor. The core uses the process of nuclear fission to burn it’s fuel of uranium 235 into lighter elements, or fission byproducts. This core is also responsible for producing much of the geological phenomenon observed on the Earth. Phenomena such as geomagnetism and the periodic shutting down of the Earth’s magnetic field are examples of phenomena that are directly attributed to fission within the Earth. There is also substantial reason to believe that the center of the Earth is a massive nuclear reactor from the empirical data gathered from observations, testing, and logical evidence to support this idea. The traditional theory about the Earth’s core suggest that the core of the Earth is a solid nickel and iron sphere surrounded by a fluid metallic magma. The rotation of the Earth is believed to create massive columns of magma to swirl in the core. These columns are believed to produce the Earth’s magnetic field. This theory is based on the assumption that the Earth’s core is cooling and will eventually cool completely and cease to produce energy and a magnetic field. However, this theory does not answer many ongoing mysteries about the Earth, such as why the Earth’s magnetic field periodically shuts down, and questions about the energy production of the Earth. It was apparent that a new theory was needed to explain the mystery of the Earth’s core. The concept of nuclear fission within the earth started in the fifties. Geophysicists began to question whether natural occurring nuclear fission was possible. It seemed that it was a definite possibility and eventually, empirical evidence presented itself. In 1972 at the Oklo uranium mine in western Africa, a natural nuclear fission reactor was discovered deep within the earth. It was later determined that this reactor had been burning for almost two million years (Earth’s Core). The discovery provided an answer to the possibility of naturally occurring nuclear fission in the earth. The answer was yes. This led to more questions, however. What were the implications of such a process occurring naturally inside of the Earth? As time progressed, scientists learned more about naturally occurring reactors and new theories developed. Through observations of other planets, and observing the Earth in respect to the solar system, some bold new theories arose.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Inside James Diyson

In â€Å"Inside Dyson: a distinctive company? †, Shepherd et al. (2011) gives details of the secret of Dyson’s success – the company specializing in innovative, design-heavy vacuum cleaners and other household appliances. The successes and failures of Dyson’s design efforts (from their successful vacuums to the 3-in-1 vacuums that did not test well with customers) are explored, as well as their unique perspective on business, which puts quality and innovation above anything else. 1. Using frameworks from the chapter, analyze the strategic capabilities of Dyson. The strategic capabilities of Dyson revolve primarily around a resource-based view of the strategy with a heavy focus on engineering design; they spend a tremendous amount of time developing and engineering prototypes for household products that seek to provide a twist to the typical device (e. g. , vacuum cleaners that provide smooth turning around the corners, oscillating fans that â€Å"multiply† air, etc. ) This creates a niche in what can be an overly-saturated market. Providing a unique spin of this sort on a product can offer tremendous advantages. Combine this with state-of-the-art, sleek design elements and bright, colorful exteriors, and Dyson creates a number of high-end, well-sought-after appliances. Dyson invests heavily in Chinese and Asian manufacturing in order to make their products cheaper, so that they can maintain profit margin benchmarks. This emphasis on design in their organizational planning means not as many products being manufactured. But what they do sell they sell to a target market at higher prices. Given the innovation that is present in Dyson’s business strategy, it is quite clear that their strategic capability is high, even though the risks can be high as well due to the experimental and ‘out there’ nature of their products which may be too daunting for normal consumers. 2. To what extent do you think any of the capabilities can be imitated by competitors? The primary niche that Dyson follows is superior design. As a result, it can be quite difficult to replicate the specific strategic capabilities. Their focus on innovation revolves around them being the only ones around to actually try to change the way the vacuum or other appliance is designed. The level of specialization is what attracts customers to them. In order to provide legitimate competition to Dyson, superior engineering designers would have to be hired, and a much greater focus on innovation would have to be attempted. Otherwise, Dyson’s dominance in the high-end, experimental house-ware market remains unchecked by competitors. Competitors are already trying to imitate their products with the USA Wind Tunnel vacuums and Mjele swivel-head vacuums. Yet the patents Dyson has placed on their product prevents other companies from outright stealing of their ideas. 3. Which of Dyson’s distinctive capabilities may become threshold capabilities over time? The existence of high-value specialties will likely become a threshold capability for Dyson as the time goes on. Threshold capabilities are what is required to remain in the market. Currently, what is allowing Dyson to maintain its high prices is the high quality of the design and engineering present in their products. Compared to other consumer-level appliances of this kind, Dyson stands out as a distinctive product from a marketing standpoint. Emphasizing the new and innovative stuff allows the consumer to feel as though they are receiving a brand new, insightful product, leagues ahead of the competition. For Dyson to change its business model in any way towards increasing volumes of standard products would be to tarnish its image, nearly irreparably. What is maintaining Dyson’s primary conceit is the design innovation, which is a clear threshold capability. 4. Bearing in mind your answers to questions 1 and 2, how crucial is Sir James Dyson to the future of the company? What might be the effect of his resignation or the sale of the company? Given the importance of James Dyson, it would certainly be a blow if he were to leave or sell the company. James Dyson is a prominent public figure and the best spokesperson in commercials Dyson company could have. For many consumers, there is a certai n security in seeing the actual representative or president of the company speak to them directly and explain the features of the Dyson vacuum; if that was not happening, it is possible that†¦

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Rene Descartes Meditations

After Descartes’ first meditation his problem becomes this; how can he be sure that any of his beliefs hold any truth? How can he be sure that everything isn’t just an illusion that is deceiving him such as a dream or that there isn’t a deceiver intentionally deceiving him? He finds that in order to move forward in his quest for true existence of god or the material world he must find a starting place of truth or as he puts it like Archimedes moving the earth, some fixed point of certainty. He finds this fixed point with his Cogito, the discovery that he himself must exist. Having already convinced himself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, Descartes is left to ponder if he himself does not exist as well. He finds this thought to be false because if he can convince himself of something then he must certainly exist. Further questioning this theory he finds that even if some deceiver of supreme power that is deliberately and constantly deceiving him that he must also undoubtedly exist because he is still thinks that he is something even if false, thus still existing. This now brings in the phrase â€Å"I am, I exist† or the more popular interpretation â€Å"I think therefore I am† Furthering that Descartes is essentially asking himself would it be possible for himself to believe that he existed, and this be false? He finds that even if he believes this false logic that he must still exist, because anything that believes or doubts something must exist. So if he does believe that he exists, then his belief must hold truth, because it would be impossible for him to hold that belief falsely do to his logic of existence. So he ascertains that if he can both persuade himself of something, and likewise be deceived of something, then surely he must exist. He essentially claims that every time he thinks something in his mind, he has proof that he exists. It is not possible to think without also existing. With this ... Free Essays on Rene Descartes Meditations Free Essays on Rene Descartes Meditations After Descartes’ first meditation his problem becomes this; how can he be sure that any of his beliefs hold any truth? How can he be sure that everything isn’t just an illusion that is deceiving him such as a dream or that there isn’t a deceiver intentionally deceiving him? He finds that in order to move forward in his quest for true existence of god or the material world he must find a starting place of truth or as he puts it like Archimedes moving the earth, some fixed point of certainty. He finds this fixed point with his Cogito, the discovery that he himself must exist. Having already convinced himself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, Descartes is left to ponder if he himself does not exist as well. He finds this thought to be false because if he can convince himself of something then he must certainly exist. Further questioning this theory he finds that even if some deceiver of supreme power that is deliberately and constantly deceiving him that he must also undoubtedly exist because he is still thinks that he is something even if false, thus still existing. This now brings in the phrase â€Å"I am, I exist† or the more popular interpretation â€Å"I think therefore I am† Furthering that Descartes is essentially asking himself would it be possible for himself to believe that he existed, and this be false? He finds that even if he believes this false logic that he must still exist, because anything that believes or doubts something must exist. So if he does believe that he exists, then his belief must hold truth, because it would be impossible for him to hold that belief falsely do to his logic of existence. So he ascertains that if he can both persuade himself of something, and likewise be deceived of something, then surely he must exist. He essentially claims that every time he thinks something in his mind, he has proof that he exists. It is not possible to think without also existing. With this ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Calyx Corolla Essays

Calyx Corolla Essays Calyx Corolla Paper Calyx Corolla Paper Calyx Corolla 1)What is the gap in market structure for Calyx and Corollas business model? The traditional distribution chain for the fresh flower market is: grower, distributor, wholesaler, retailer and finally the consumer. As a result of the number of participants in this structure, a flower may be as much as seven to ten days old before it is available for sale in a retail store. Additionally, the industry participants do not confine themselves to a single role. For example, most growers distribute some flowers directly to local or more distant wholesalers, and many distributors and wholesalers engage in some of their own production. The fragmentation within the channels of distribution results in a rather inefficient distribution system. This gap in the fresh flower market structure was noticed by Ruth Owades who capitalized by creating Calyx Corolla (C), which is a true departure from traditional channels of distribution. The business model of C is as follows: orders from customers are received by telephone, fax, or mail at the central office in San Francisco and then sent via fax or computer to the thirty flower growers who supply C. The growers, in turn, pack and ship individual orders and send them directly to consumers by Federal Express. As a result, C is able to substantially reduce the time it takes to deliver flowers to the consumers door, typically only a few days after the flowers have been cut. 2) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of CC versus a conventional business retailer? What market segments is CC most suited to take advantage of? Strengths of Calyx Corolla compared to a conventional flower retailer: 1)The most obvious strength and the greatest competitive advantage that CC has when compared to a conventional flower retailer is the ability to deliver fresher longer lasting flowers. As a result of pairing growers with Federal Express, CC is able to deliver flowers within a couple of days of being cut as opposed to retailers that sell flowers that have already spent a lifetime in warehouses, trucks and storerooms. )CC not only sells a superior product compared to flower retailers, it also attempts to educate and inform its consumers. Among the product, cost and color choices in its catalogs, CC includes trivia, consumer information and arrangement suggestions to make the flower purchasing experience more enjoyable for the consumer. 3)As a result of its partnership with Federal Express, CC has the ability to distribute flowers to people all over the wo rld. Retailers, however, are generally located only in areas where flower demand is high and thus cannot reach as many consumers as CC. )The case states that CC is comparable to flower retailers in terms of flower prices charged to consumers. As such, flower consumers get more flower value (freshness and longevity) for their money when purchasing from CC. Weaknesses of Calyx Corolla compared to a conventional flower retailer: 1)Flower retailers offer consumers the ability to purchase and enjoy flowers real time, as opposed to CC which takes days to deliver flowers. 2)Although CC has six annual catalogues that allow consumers to see pictures of products, conventional retailers allow consumers to select from on-hand inventory. )Consumers who order from CC are required to pay a delivery fee, whereas consumers who purchase flowers from a retailer do not have to pay extra fees. As a result of CCs strengths, it is suited to take advantage of a couple market segments. The first is the seg ment of flower consumers who value quality fresh flowers that will last long after purchase. The other segment that C is suited to take advantage of is the group of flower consumers who live in geographic locations where retailers are unavailable. ) What should Owades and her team do to fully develop the potential of the C business model? What would you recommend? In my opinion, C has a strong business plan that has not been fully developed. Strategically increasing advertising, pairing up with a credible brand name and allowing consumers to customize floral arrangements are a few recommendations to grow the C business model. Reaching out to consumers via television commercials, magazine and newspaper ads, radio spots and billboards are all new advertising options for C. Currently 70% of Cs revenue is derived from its catalog, 20% from corporate clients and 10% from outgoing telemarketing to previous flower recipients and existing customers. By informing consumers about CC via these new advertising strategies, CC would increase brand awareness and revenue. Another recommendation for CC is to couple its distribution leadership with brand recognition. For example, CC could team up with Martha Stewart, Williams-Sonoma or Smith Hawken to sell brand specific floral arrangements. Additionally, since these brands are internationally recognized, this recommendation will attract a wide range of consumers. Finally, CC could set up a website that would allow consumers to customize floral arrangements. Based on the inventory of the 30 contracted growers, consumers could mix and match different flowers to create virtual floral arrangements. Once pleased with their arrangement, the consumer would place the order online and CC could use its distribution strengths to deliver the product.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Buy to Let Investment Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Buy to Let Investment Market - Assignment Example This paper will focus on four areas of the buy to let marketplace: explanation of the taxes a property investor will be subjected to, how the property investor can minimize their capital gains tax liability through careful tax planning, how to be careful not to attract an investigation by the Inland Revenue, and, the tax benefits of setting up a property company to save property tax. There are a variety of taxes that the investor will be required to consider when investing in buy to let properties including: stamp duty and inheritance tax. There are some taxes that can be reclaimed against the tax on rents for buy to let properties such as "costs of maintenance, such as insurance, cleaning, gardening, agent's commission and other reasonable management expenses (but not home improvements) and a wear and tear allowance of 10% of the rents received may be deductible." (Alan Harvey, 2006) liable when, land or residential property is purchased where where the purchase price is above 60,000, or where it is transferred and the outstanding mortgage amount is greater than 60,000. The rates of stamp duty vary between 1% for properties less than 250,000 and 4% for properties over 500,000. It is also worth noting that there are certain areas that are exempt from stamp duty, where the property is purchased for less than 150,000. (Weller and McTernan, 2006) if at the timeThe other tax that the investor will be responsible is inheritance tax which is commonly referred to as the 'gift' or 'death tax'. Weller and McTernan (2006) explain the inheritance tax: if at the time of your death you pass on part or the whole of your estate then again the inheritor could be liable to pay Inheritance Tax. There is currently an IHT threshold level of 263,000 for the 2004-2005 tax year. Anything above this amount is taxed at 40% i.e. at the highest rate. This means that if at the time of death, your whole estate is valued at less than 263,000 then the inheritor will have no tax to pay. (Weller and McTernan, 2006) The two things you can't escape are death and taxes, but, why not make an investment work for the investor. By buying into the buy to let scheme, an investor's main goal is to gain equity buy minimising what they will pay to the Inland Revenue department. The investor's objective is to minimise their capital gains tax liability through careful tax planning. Minimising Capital Gains Tax Capital gains tax is payable "if a property is sold for a higher price that what was paid for it, or when a property or part of a property is transferred to someone who is not your spouse." (Weller and McTernan, 2006). Thus "the capital gain is calculated by deducting the allowable costs and Inland Revenue tax relief's, from the selling price of the property. Examples of allowable costs include, property extensions, purchasing related costs etc." (Weller and McTernan, 2006). As some investors fail to realise that when they sell their property, they could end up paying an extremely large tax bill of anywhere up to 40% of the net profit of the sale of the property.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Aristotle's Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aristotle's Theory - Essay Example e fact that Aristotle believes that the soul exists until there is a body, the philosopher recognizes activity of the mental processes and their involvement in physiological states of a person. Considering the relationship between body and soul, Aristotle points out an inextricable link between them. â€Å"Unlike Plato, he has no objection to so intimate a relation between the mental and the physical† (Caston 331). In fact, he expresses the conviction that their interaction can be regarded as monism. Recognizing the link between body and soul, Aristotle says that the soul is active, not passive. Unlike the supporters of epiphenomenalism, Aristotle argues that the physiological processes can be the result of certain psychological processes. There are two possibilities (Caston 330). Some physiological processes are the result of both physical and psychological conditions, while others can only be the result of certain mental changes. To sum up, there are no reasons to believe that Aristotle supports the standpoint of epiphenomenalism on the importance of psychological states in human activities. On the contrary, Aristotle emphasizes activity of the mental properties and their impact on various physiological states. Thus, Aristotle understands the unity of body and soul as an opportunity to influence each