Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Searching For Excellent My Life Essay Samples? - Heres How to Find Great Writing Pieces Online

Searching For Excellent My Life Essay Samples? - Here's How to Find Great Writing Pieces OnlineFinding high quality, original essay samples that you can use for your My Life Essay are easy to find online. All you have to do is the following:First, look around at how people use their life to write about their love and relationships. Look for the 'inspiration'teacher' aspect of life in general. After that, take a close look at the different samples that you have found, and decide if they can be used in your life.Once you know what type of life you want to write about, you can begin to narrow down the various samples that will have to make up your My Life Essay. If you already have a favorite book or movie, maybe it is in the samples you are looking at.Whatever you choose, remember that a long essay or a short one should be between 150-250 words. If you choose to go with a longer essay, you should know where you will have to go back and edit the sections before submitting it for publica tion.The next step is to get an idea for what type of 'Life'. By this, I mean you need to think about your hobbies, interests, family, etc. Remember, you need to have a starting point, and then you can find the parts you want to include.When you have come up with a big list of ideas for your life, start to review them and make sure that all the pieces fit together well. Use your research to find out who you should interview about your life.Now that you have a nice long list of life ideas, you can start writing down your life by finding the key points and then start using your own words to tell your story. This will give you a nice outline of your story and makes it easier to edit later.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Heart Rot Tree Diseaseâ€Prevention and Control

In trees, heart rot is caused by a fungal disease that causes the center of the trunk and branches to decay. The most obvious symptom is the presence of mushrooms or fungal growths, called conks, on the surface of the trunk or limbs. Most hardwood species can be afflicted with heart rot, and it can be a major problem for the logging and lumber industry since the center heartwood is the most valuable wood in a hardwood tree.   Causes of Heart Rot in Trees Heart rot in living trees can be caused by many different fungal agents and pathogens that can enter the tree through open wounds and exposed inner bark wood to infiltrate the center core of the tree—the heartwood. Heartwood  makes up most of a trees inner wood and support structure, so over time, this rot can cause the tree to fail and collapse. Heartwood cells have some resistance to decay but depend  on a barrier of protection from the bark and outside living tissue. Heart rot can occur in many hardwoods and other deciduous species but is especially common in oaks infected with the  I. dryophilus  and  P. everhartii decay fungi.  All deciduous trees can get heart rot,  while resinous conifers have some extra resistance. More on Heartwood It should be noted that heartwood is genetically programmed to spontaneously separate from living wood tissues that surround it.  Once heartwood formation has begun to lay down annual layers and increase in volume, the heartwood quickly becomes the largest part of the trees structure by volume.  When that living barrier of protection surrounding the heartwood fails, the resulting disease in the heartwood causes it to soften. It quickly becomes structurally weaker and prone to breakage. A mature tree that has a large volume of heartwood is more at risk than a young tree, simply because its heartwood constitutes more of its structure.   Symptoms of Heart Rot Usually, a conk or mushrooming fruiting body on the surface of the tree is the first sign at the site of infection.  A useful rule of thumb suggests that a cubic foot of inner heartwood wood has decayed for each conk produced— there is a lot of bad wood behind that mushroom, in other words. Fortunately, though, heart rot fungi do not invade living wood of healthy trees. Other than the resulting structural weakness heart rot creates, a tree can otherwise look quite healthy even though it is riddled with heart rot.   Economic Costs Heart rot is a major factor influencing the  economics of logging high-value lumber, although it is a natural  consequence in many older forests. The heartwood of tree is where the valuable lumber exists, and a badly rotten tree is of no value to the timber industry. A hardwood tree that lives long enough will likely deal with heart rot at some point, since it is a natural part of the trees life cycle, especially in native forests. A very old tree will almost certainly suffer storm damage at some point that will allow fungi to enter and begin the process of heart rot. In some cases, entire forests may be at risk if, for example, a catastrophic storm has caused major damage at some time in the past. The fungi spread very slowly within a tree, so it may be many years after the initial fungal infection that serious weakness becomes evident.   Heart rot is prevalent throughout the world, and it affects all  hardwood  trees. It can be very hard to prevent and control, although a tree that is carefully monitored over its entire lifetime may avoid it.   Prevention and Control of Heart Rot As long as a tree is growing vigorously, rot will be confined to a small central core within the tree. This behavior is called tree wood compartmentalization. But if the tree is weakened and fresh wood exposed by severe pruning or storm damage, decay fungi can advance into more and more of the trees heartwood. There is no economically feasible fungicide to use on a tree that hosts the heart rot fungi. The best way to prevent heart rot in your hardwood tree is to keep it healthy using proper management techniques: Minimize pruning wounds that expose large areas of wood.Shape trees at an early age so major branch removal will not be necessary later.Remove broken branch stubs following storm damage.Have trees you suspect of heart rot checked by an arborist to determine if sufficient live wood is present for structural safety.Check trees every few years to be certain new growth is maintaining a  sound structure. Large trunks and main branches with extensive decay may have little sound wood to support the tree.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming Essay example - 699 Words

Global warming has many pro’s or people who believe global warming exists not because it is a good thing. People who believe global warming exists and want to fix the problem as soon as possible because it may cause a catastrophe. Al Gore and the IPCC are the main people who believe global warming may change our lives and sometimes create an illusion that it is our fault. There are many examples that it may be so like a hot summer in Edmonton, no negative temperature days in Glasgow, Montana however, other phenomenon like record snowfalls contradicts the existence of global warming. Even still many more occurrences that suggest global warming is real are: a 1998 heat wave in Florida, 1999 heat waves that set record highs, thawing†¦show more content†¦On the contrary others believe global warming is non-existent. They believe it is normal activity and the temperature will go back down sometime. As shown in Al Gore’s â€Å"hockey stick†, they may be exagge rating the truth. (See appendix 2) It also shows that the temperature was at its warmest in the 1000’s and from then up to just before now the temperature has decreased. In the last few years it has risen like it has many times before. Many of these people believe it is a scam or a hoax. One thing I found was on my list of evidence of global warming that some evidence was heavy rainfall but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the earth is warming. One example of the opposition to global warming is when one of my sources said: â€Å"Shame on you, Al Gore, for playing on peoples emotions to drive support for your enormous $45 trillion carbon tax hoax.† (I love C02). Many usually mild cities during winter were cooler than usual this year. A large amount of snow fell on D.C. and cancelled a meeting for global warming. Even still Al Gore still preaches that global warming exists and that we are at fault. When many of the world’s highest experienced scientists a nd others got together in New York to discuss global warming. Another thing found out about global warming is that it is about politics and money. The cap-and-trade would place a tax on things like driving automobiles and usingShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1353 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming With it being the presidential election season the talk of global warming, also known as climate change has come up in conversation more. But should it be associated with whether you are republican or democrat? Global warming should not be rather you â€Å"believe† in because it is a stated fact. The definition by Oxford Dictionary declares that global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect causedRead MoreThe Warming And Global Warming1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Warming World Around Us The world is warming and we cannot deny it, the longer we deny the larger the problem it will become. Global warming is affecting the world economy, the overall health of the population, and most importantly the environment that surrounds us. Ignoring this problem will not just make it suddenly disappear; the world has to make an effort to stop it while it can still be maintained. Accepting the fact that it is happening is just the first step, the next step is takingRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words   |  7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide’ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, (Direct.gov. n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1245 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming The major threat of today’s world is global warming. Due to various reasons global warming turns out to be a serious issue in the last few years. Today people believe in global warming while this concept was not so much believed and people interpreted in some other meanings what was happening in the past. Global warming is amplification in the temperature of earth because of industrial pollution, fossil fuels, and agricultural practices caused by human being, other and natural gasRead MoreGlobal Warming1316 Words   |  6 PagesControversy over Global Warming One of the largest argued topics in our world today is over global warming. People argue that is real, and others argue that it is fake. The effects of global warming create a growing danger for the ecosystem we live in by damaging glaciers and weather patterns. Humans contribute to global warming yet non-believers will think otherwise. Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) mostRead Moreglobal warming1539 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar radiation is trapped ins ide raising global temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words   |  5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. Using persuasive technique Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for mostRead MoreGlobal Warming1192 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. Personally I don’t care very much about global warming and have never been active in green movements. The evidence presented in this class is very informative and useful when taking into account the numerous known and unknown causes and cures for global warming. However, my attitude towards global warming is unchanged. According to the Common Attitudes Toward Global Warming handout I think

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Instructional Design for Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Question: Describe about An Instructional Design for Building Information Modeling (BIM)? Answer: Identification of the instructional problem within the setting: As an elementary school setting, the students face some problems regarding the learning process within the school. Learning has been shifted from the basic educational circumstances to the interactive technological instruction. However, Elementary School the little students are facing problems regarding descriptive nature of learning. The learning processes of the teachers are more descriptive that the students cannot be able to understand those descriptions of the learning. Teachers only prefer descriptive story telling process to the children. They tell story of social or cultural value to the students through descriptive manner. On the other hand, students of 3rd and 4th grade cannot find any interests in order to learn those stories of social value and other types of learning elements. Therefore, they need different photos and other types of illustration for understanding those lessons. Most of the teachers are lacking from the actual knowledge of photos and other types of illustrations. They do not know how to present the idea of an educational content with an illustrative material or photos. Various typesof charts, diagram will not help the elementary children to understand the proper topic of the learning. Therefore, the teachers will be able to know the process of incorporation with different types of photos and other types of illustrative documents. On the other hand, different types of communication skills should be incorporated with the teachers in order to provide effective knowledge and learning to the students of elementary setting. Teachers should know the disciplinary skills or process skills in order to obtain feedback from the students. They should develop awareness of different strategies in order to evaluate own analysis or learning process. We have found that the children have the demand for the photos, drawing and other illustrations while learning a lesson. The central theme or idea of the lesson should be incorporated with different types of illustrations. Students of this school have demanded inputs that are more illustrativein order to learn a lesson. Therefore, Using illustrative informational text is very effective for the students. Every teacher should put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school. Discussing the difference between current condition and desired condition: Current condition: Students have some problems in order to understand the technical texts and informational text. Students of elementary school are very small to capture the technical text. For this issue, students are not being able to deliver the desired outcome of education. Elementary refers to the primary education process of child. A child firstly takes elementary education for developing his/her learning effectively. For this case, informational text has become the obstacle for delivering the proper learning and knowledge about learning of a definite subject. Teachers of this school has also lacked from doing effective drawing and sticking photos for delivering the proper information to the children. Therefore, the teachers of elementary school setting have a little idea about different types of informational text to the children. Desired condition: All Teachers will be able touse illustrative informational text is very effective for the students.Every teacher will put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school. Therefore, the students should be able to pass the exam with proper learning and knowledge of a definite subject. Explaining the data collection process: Teachers of elementary school have been asked three questions regarding the informational text and other instructional process of teaching. First two questions have asked about the performance of the students within the classroom while delivering the learning lesson through informational text and other technical texts. Last onequestionhas asked the process of learning of the teachers. These questions have asked to explain how they provide learning to the students. Students of 3rd grade and 4th grade have also been asked three questions about the assessment process of those students. Students have been asked to give answers about the informational text and other technical texts of their teachers. Students have been asked to rank different skills in accordance with the importance. The researcher has taken survey method for both the teachers and students to complete the whole survey analysis. Students of 3rd and 4th grade also have been asked to complete assessment test about their learning process and the issues they have faced while learning with informational text. Summarizing the results of data analysis: The result of survey has shown thatthe students have faced problems for various types of technical text. Process of learning with the help of informational text has been remained as problem within the learning process of the students in our elementary school. However, teachers use the instructional design for providing effective learning to the students.The students have not learnt properly the desired process of learning through informational text. The teacher also have faced problem during providing learning to the students of the elementary education setting. Discussing the findings of the analysis: The students have asked to provide proper answers through survey questionnaires. Wehas asked four questions to the students. On the other hand, teachers of the school have been asked four questions in a survey sheet. Two questions have been remained close ended and other two have been remained open-ended questions for the students. Result of analysis: From the assessment of students, it has been analyzed that, eighty percent students can be able to understand informational text. As this is an elementary education,the children of 3rd and 4th grade have stated that they mostly prefer the photos, drawing, magnification of an idea etc. However, rest of the students has not the ability to understand the central idea of a story or other elements. Therefore, it can be analyzed that, many student also have the ability to understand the central idea of an article or story for understanding the real meaning of the article or story. However, there is a gap between the ability to utilize the understanding of central theme of a text. Therefore, the students mostly prefer the illustration as well as instructional design of the article or story. The presence of drawing, photos, magnification of the text can be helpful for the students in order to understand the central idea of the given article or the story. They do not prefer graphical presenta tion of data. On the other hand, teachers have been asked about the process of learning to the students of elementary classes of the school. Teachers have faced some issues while delivering some informational texts, like graphics, chart to the students. The teachers have poor responses from the students. Presentation of some data that has been gathered from the students and teachers of the school: Table 1: Is it important to understand the informational text while using photos and illustrations Response Mean Yes 10 100 No 0 0 10% students among 100 think that the informational text includes photos and illustrations are very important in order to understand the central theme or the idea. Children can understand the lesson through photos and different types of illustrations etc. Table 2: Regularity of reading various types of informational text: Frequency Number of Responses Mean Every Day 5 35 Often 4 35 Hardly Ever 2 24 Five students among thirty-fivehave stated that they read various types of informational text every day. On the other hand, four students among thirty-five students have often read informational text. Two students out of twenty-four students have read informational text hardly ever. From this analysis, it can bestated that most of the students read different types of informational texts. Table 3: Are photos, drawing provide extra advantage to understand informational text? Response Mean Yes 82 100 No 0 0 Therefore, eighty-twostudents among 100 students have stated that they found it very easy to understand informational text with added photos and drawing. From this particular analysis, it can be stated by the researcher that most of the students prefer informational text that is included with photos, drawing etc. Table 4: For teachers Strategies to improve the learning procedure: Question Summary Of Responses What are some ways you believe will help students to be understood the learning with effective use of informational text? Photos and drawing (4) Power point presentation of all subjects (3) More related information (2) In this case, majority of teacher explains that, the explaining with photos and drawing are very effective as well as important for delivering the learning process to the students of elementary education. Developing the instructional goal statement: From the above analysis, it can be stated that, the teachers of this elementary school should provide effective learning experience with the help of photos, drawing and illustrations. Students of 3rd and 4th grade can be able to learn the lesson with the use of various types of informational texts of photos, drawing etc. The informational text that involves the photos, drawing and same sort of illustration will help the students to learn the central theme of learning. Therefore, teacher should provide advanced photos, drawing materials for the students. These will help the students for understanding the learning process. Teacher should reject the old technique of descriptive learning. They should incorporate different attractive as well as relevant photos, illustrations to the learning procedure. Reference lists Asojo, A. (2012). An instructional design for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Revit in interior design curriculum.Art, Design Communication In Higher E, 11(2), 143-154. doi:10.1386/adch.11.2.143_1 Lee, H. (2012). Best Mentoring Practices of Design Education at the Design High School Level and Instructional Resources. JEL, 1(1).doi:10.5539/jel.v1n1p67 Liu, S. (2013). Exploring the Instructional Strategies of Elementary School Teachers When Developing Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge via a Collaborative Professional Development Program. IES, 6(11).doi:10.5539/ies.v6n11p58 McArdle, G. (2012). Instructional Design for Action Learning.Hum Res Mgt Intl Digest, 20(4). doi:10.1108/hrmid.2012.04420daa.017 Tessmer, M. (1988). 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The Effect of an Instructional Program on Modifying the Orientation of Achievement Responsibility.Int. J. Res. Edu. Psy.,1(1), 93-113. doi:10.12785/ijrep/010105