Sunday, January 5, 2020

Judaism And Judaism - 2022 Words

I am writing my research paper over Judaism and the Holocaust. I think that Jewish religion is very interesting and I love learning about the Holocaust. I am going to start out by explaining the overview of some Jewish history and the four main branches. Judaism is known to be one of the oldest religions in the world today. Jewish history extends back though the ancient Israelite and Hebrew people to Abraham. The basic facts of Judaism are found in beliefs, history, and practices. Jewish beliefs begin with the conviction that there is only one God, who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship. This important truth is revealed through the sacred writings of men like Moses and the prophets, the most important of which is the Torah. In Judaism, religion isn’t one aspect of life, it is life. There are holidays and celebrations year round, like Passover and bar mitzvahs, to commemorate what God has done in the past and is doing in people’s lives today. In the beginning of the 21st century, around 14 million people identify themselves as Jews. And there are four main branches or denominations in Judaism, each of which has a different approaches to religious life. In North America today, the four main branches of Judaism are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. Within these denominations themselves, there is a great degree of variation in practice and observance. Orthodoxy is the modern classificationShow MoreRelatedJudaism And The Temple Of Judaism Essay2349 Words   |  10 Pagestopic of Judaism may come with stereotypical opinions and â€Å"Christian Judgement† that are without merit or understanding. Judaism, by a Christian worldview, had to change after Pentecost, since the animal sacrifice to atone for sin Christ completed on the Cross. 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