Friday, March 13, 2020

Personal Interests essays

Personal Interests essays Society today is something to be desired. Its all about looking for that number one, in other words, yourself. Too put it simply, society today doesnt care if people are starving and homeless, we care about if we ourselves are starving and homeless. Although the ancient Greek philosophers believed that all citizens consider the common good when making impactful decisions, and I agree; yet, in todays capitalistic society its all about John Lockes look out for number one philosophy. Ancient Greece was a time of small city states, people committed to education and government, and people who were active citizens. These three key ingredients created at society that basically ran itself. This philosophy, although perhaps perfect on paper, in reality is something quite far from perfect. For instance, if America today tried to install the system of Classical Republicanism our government it would fail. The people in America today only care about themselves so thus, people would think of themselves as opposed to what they should be trying to improve. Take for example, the Robin Hood plan. If people would look at the plan as a way that it benefits the common good, instead of thinking selfishly about keeping the money in rich districts, then the community would actually benefit from it. There would be less drop outs; less poorly educated children. This is why I believe that if we stopped and think of the common good as opposed to ourselves then America today woul d be much better off. Not so much social unrest and turmoil. So, when looking at these two political philosophies of looking out for the community as opposed to yourself you can see why the Greek way of thinking is better. If the community has been served well, then, wouldnt number one be served just as well? Society today is one to be desired and well, the Classical Republicanism probably wouldnt work out here ...

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