Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ethical issues in Packaging Practices Research Paper

Moral issues in Packaging Practices - Research Paper Example The present reality has advanced towards being more shopper situated. One of the most significant parts of showcasing is bundling fundamentally since it depicts the cause of a specific item. From an advertising point of view guarantee that the bundling is with the end goal that it charms the likely clients and builds the deals of the item. It is critical to introduce adequate data about the item on its bundle so the clients have enough data before choosing to purchase a specific item. Be that as it may, a few moral issues surfaces with the part of bundling since so as to guarantee appropriate deal esteems a few components are undermined with prompting dishonest practices. Shrimp present four distinctive moral issues that are associated with bundling. The four issues essentially incorporate portrayal illustrations, data present on the spread or the name, security of the bundling material and natural issues. Designs first of all, is the key factor which speaks to the item implied available to be purchased. A few makers and advertisers use pictures on the bundling case which don't fittingly speak to the real item and by and large perhaps deceptive and present a bogus portrayal of the item. Naming and giving data on the marks is another imperative part of bundling a specific item. The data imprinted on the body is intended to give adequate subtleties to the likely clients.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

PHI – Employee Health Information

Workers of an association ought to expect for their wellbeing data to stay private. Similarly as the legislature has thought that it was important to make laws to shield representatives from segregation, they have needed to make laws to defend an employee’s secured wellbeing data (PHI). These laws include: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct). While every law expressly secures worker wellbeing data, it likewise permits managers to utilize certain PHI to meet certain prerequisites of every law and to guarantee the security of representatives. What is Protected Health Information? What is ensured wellbeing data? As indicated by Davis and Salver-Malyska, ensured wellbeing data is characterized as exclusively distinguished wellbeing data transmitted electronically or kept up or put away on any electronic media (2003, p. 31-32). In the United States the HIPAA Privacy Rule permits managers if going about as Plan Administrator to acquire certain PHI. It is highly unlikely around this, on the grounds that the head must ask the employee’s specialist to finish confirmations and give back the businesses. Organizations that have a HMO and furthermore have Workman Compensation, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Short-term and Long term Disability plans will require the specialist or the representative to give clinical confirmations that help the requirement for the worker to be on leave or confined obligation. Under the FMLA, organizations are required to likewise get PHI for an employee’s relative is the leave is mentioned to deal with a wiped out or harmed relative. Different sorts of PHI gathered by managers incorporate, pre-representative physical data, medicate testing preceding work and irregular testing. This data is required as a component of the recruiting procedure or organization risk inclusion relying upon the idea of the business or employment. As per Cascio, the business is required to demonstrate if a leave is FMLA and the explanation behind the leave (2010, p. 9). Moral and Trust Issues At issue with each kind of PHI gathered or looked into there is the capability of the employee’s security being undermined? On the off chance that organizations to not set norm, required approaches and methodology for those representatives mentioning and taking care of the PHI, at that point there could be significant breaks. When the penetrate as happened, an employee’s trust is disintegrated. Chiefs and administrators ought to be given preparing, as the vast majority of the data for Workman Comp, FMLA or STD claims is now given to the employee’s the executives. In any case, even still, managers can't straightforwardly solicit social insurance suppliers the nature from an employee’s circumstance except if the worker has given or consented to discharge the data. As per Colquitt, Lepine and Wesson, trust by a worker is their suggested and express consent to permit themselves to be defenseless against a trustee (2009, p. 219). Simply the idea of PHI being made available to people who may not be reliable makes significant pain by the representative. A model, of troubled trust, would be a representative who is HIV positive, who is required to take a pre-work physical. While in principle and assumed practice, a business isn't to demand a pre-work physical until after the offer I made. In any case the representative would even now have sentiments of hesitance to permit the testing just to find a new line of work. Another model incorporates the worker who is secured by the ADA, where an organization must make sensible housing for the employee’s inability. Which implies the executives and HR must pose the inquiry and spot into administration, the things or lodging they representative need to meet the anticipated desires. In January 2009, the Bush organization distributed refreshed FMLA guidelines. One key area explains the standards in regards to who may demand extra data about an employee’s FMLA certificationâ€and how it ought to be sought†. Suggestions as far as I can tell as a trough, I abstain from asking representatives PHI with respect to them or their families. When you have workers who have little kids, older guardians a nd a crippled life partner, administrators must guarantee that they never ask a representative â€Å"what is wrong†? In addition to the fact that HR should give preparing on fundamental prerequisites to Workman Comp and HIPAA. Every director must set up protections to guarantee representative records are not bargained. My organization has set up a procedure that evacuates the need to confirm or audit clinical data for come back to work occasions. Representatives submit things legitimately to a HR proficient and not to the chief or administrator. By doing this it expels the chance of intentional or oblivious infringement of the employee’s protection rights. References Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. An., and Wesson, M. J. (2009). Hierarchical Behavior;Improving Performance and Committment in the Workplace. New York: McGraw Hill. Cascio, W. F. (2010). Overseeing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Davis, V., and Silver-Malyska, T. (2003). Bosses Liability for Use and Disclosure of Individual Health Information: HIPAA Privacy and Employer Functions. Advantages Law Journal, 16(2), 29-46.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Acquisition of Tense by L1 Arabic Learners of English Language Research Proposal

The Acquisition of Tense by L1 Arabic Learners of English Language - Research Proposal Example One clarification for the trouble is the Aspect Hypothesis. There is likewise a Perceptual Salience Hypothesis (Man, 1990). Others have recommended that syntactic information isn't hindered, rather that the reason is extra-syntactic (Prevost and White, 2000). Additionally for Arabic speakers, there is the issue when last consonant groups happen which are dodged in their L1. Such phonetic contrasts present challenges (Strange, 1995). Disarray of past tenses was one of the fundamental kinds of mistakes in tenses announced in an investigation of Arab students of English at the University of Sudan (Kambal, 1980). As per the Aspect Hypothesis, â€Å"learners partner frames that imprint time with the lexical viewpoint innate in the importance of the verb† (Robinson, 2008:317). Bardovi-Harlig (1998) and Anderson and Shirai (2007) are defenders of the Aspect Hypothesis. Syntactic hypothesis is upheld by any semblance of Donna Lardiere (2007) and is an improvement of Chomsky’s standards. She proposes that the focal inquiry is â€Å"how a student figures out how to relate the specific featural particulars of the objective language †that is, a syntactic portrayal †with their obvious acknowledgment in the input† (Archibald, 2000:103). As per the syntactic hypothesis it is either an insufficiency in the information on linguistic structure or mistaken mapping of syntactic portrayals that cause inconveniences in procuring tense. The trouble in the arrangement of verbal articulations in L1 Arabic Learners of English Language is because of the impact of L2 obtaining of verbal inflectional morphemes. The materialness of this Aspects Hypothesis will be tried and the elective speculation offered by syntactic hypothesis will be considered inside the setting of SLA (Second Language Acquisition). Kids in schools are promptly accessible subjects for study and appropriate in light of the fact that they are at am dynamic learning age. 30 understudies will be looked for at 3 changed capability levels whose first language is

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Searching For Excellent My Life Essay Samples? - Heres How to Find Great Writing Pieces Online

Searching For Excellent My Life Essay Samples? - Here's How to Find Great Writing Pieces OnlineFinding high quality, original essay samples that you can use for your My Life Essay are easy to find online. All you have to do is the following:First, look around at how people use their life to write about their love and relationships. Look for the 'inspiration'teacher' aspect of life in general. After that, take a close look at the different samples that you have found, and decide if they can be used in your life.Once you know what type of life you want to write about, you can begin to narrow down the various samples that will have to make up your My Life Essay. If you already have a favorite book or movie, maybe it is in the samples you are looking at.Whatever you choose, remember that a long essay or a short one should be between 150-250 words. If you choose to go with a longer essay, you should know where you will have to go back and edit the sections before submitting it for publica tion.The next step is to get an idea for what type of 'Life'. By this, I mean you need to think about your hobbies, interests, family, etc. Remember, you need to have a starting point, and then you can find the parts you want to include.When you have come up with a big list of ideas for your life, start to review them and make sure that all the pieces fit together well. Use your research to find out who you should interview about your life.Now that you have a nice long list of life ideas, you can start writing down your life by finding the key points and then start using your own words to tell your story. This will give you a nice outline of your story and makes it easier to edit later.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Heart Rot Tree Diseaseâ€Prevention and Control

In trees, heart rot is caused by a fungal disease that causes the center of the trunk and branches to decay. The most obvious symptom is the presence of mushrooms or fungal growths, called conks, on the surface of the trunk or limbs. Most hardwood species can be afflicted with heart rot, and it can be a major problem for the logging and lumber industry since the center heartwood is the most valuable wood in a hardwood tree.   Causes of Heart Rot in Trees Heart rot in living trees can be caused by many different fungal agents and pathogens that can enter the tree through open wounds and exposed inner bark wood to infiltrate the center core of the tree—the heartwood. Heartwood  makes up most of a trees inner wood and support structure, so over time, this rot can cause the tree to fail and collapse. Heartwood cells have some resistance to decay but depend  on a barrier of protection from the bark and outside living tissue. Heart rot can occur in many hardwoods and other deciduous species but is especially common in oaks infected with the  I. dryophilus  and  P. everhartii decay fungi.  All deciduous trees can get heart rot,  while resinous conifers have some extra resistance. More on Heartwood It should be noted that heartwood is genetically programmed to spontaneously separate from living wood tissues that surround it.  Once heartwood formation has begun to lay down annual layers and increase in volume, the heartwood quickly becomes the largest part of the trees structure by volume.  When that living barrier of protection surrounding the heartwood fails, the resulting disease in the heartwood causes it to soften. It quickly becomes structurally weaker and prone to breakage. A mature tree that has a large volume of heartwood is more at risk than a young tree, simply because its heartwood constitutes more of its structure.   Symptoms of Heart Rot Usually, a conk or mushrooming fruiting body on the surface of the tree is the first sign at the site of infection.  A useful rule of thumb suggests that a cubic foot of inner heartwood wood has decayed for each conk produced— there is a lot of bad wood behind that mushroom, in other words. Fortunately, though, heart rot fungi do not invade living wood of healthy trees. Other than the resulting structural weakness heart rot creates, a tree can otherwise look quite healthy even though it is riddled with heart rot.   Economic Costs Heart rot is a major factor influencing the  economics of logging high-value lumber, although it is a natural  consequence in many older forests. The heartwood of tree is where the valuable lumber exists, and a badly rotten tree is of no value to the timber industry. A hardwood tree that lives long enough will likely deal with heart rot at some point, since it is a natural part of the trees life cycle, especially in native forests. A very old tree will almost certainly suffer storm damage at some point that will allow fungi to enter and begin the process of heart rot. In some cases, entire forests may be at risk if, for example, a catastrophic storm has caused major damage at some time in the past. The fungi spread very slowly within a tree, so it may be many years after the initial fungal infection that serious weakness becomes evident.   Heart rot is prevalent throughout the world, and it affects all  hardwood  trees. It can be very hard to prevent and control, although a tree that is carefully monitored over its entire lifetime may avoid it.   Prevention and Control of Heart Rot As long as a tree is growing vigorously, rot will be confined to a small central core within the tree. This behavior is called tree wood compartmentalization. But if the tree is weakened and fresh wood exposed by severe pruning or storm damage, decay fungi can advance into more and more of the trees heartwood. There is no economically feasible fungicide to use on a tree that hosts the heart rot fungi. The best way to prevent heart rot in your hardwood tree is to keep it healthy using proper management techniques: Minimize pruning wounds that expose large areas of wood.Shape trees at an early age so major branch removal will not be necessary later.Remove broken branch stubs following storm damage.Have trees you suspect of heart rot checked by an arborist to determine if sufficient live wood is present for structural safety.Check trees every few years to be certain new growth is maintaining a  sound structure. Large trunks and main branches with extensive decay may have little sound wood to support the tree.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Global Warming Essay example - 699 Words

Global warming has many pro’s or people who believe global warming exists not because it is a good thing. People who believe global warming exists and want to fix the problem as soon as possible because it may cause a catastrophe. Al Gore and the IPCC are the main people who believe global warming may change our lives and sometimes create an illusion that it is our fault. There are many examples that it may be so like a hot summer in Edmonton, no negative temperature days in Glasgow, Montana however, other phenomenon like record snowfalls contradicts the existence of global warming. Even still many more occurrences that suggest global warming is real are: a 1998 heat wave in Florida, 1999 heat waves that set record highs, thawing†¦show more content†¦On the contrary others believe global warming is non-existent. They believe it is normal activity and the temperature will go back down sometime. As shown in Al Gore’s â€Å"hockey stick†, they may be exagge rating the truth. (See appendix 2) It also shows that the temperature was at its warmest in the 1000’s and from then up to just before now the temperature has decreased. In the last few years it has risen like it has many times before. Many of these people believe it is a scam or a hoax. One thing I found was on my list of evidence of global warming that some evidence was heavy rainfall but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the earth is warming. One example of the opposition to global warming is when one of my sources said: â€Å"Shame on you, Al Gore, for playing on peoples emotions to drive support for your enormous $45 trillion carbon tax hoax.† (I love C02). Many usually mild cities during winter were cooler than usual this year. A large amount of snow fell on D.C. and cancelled a meeting for global warming. Even still Al Gore still preaches that global warming exists and that we are at fault. When many of the world’s highest experienced scientists a nd others got together in New York to discuss global warming. Another thing found out about global warming is that it is about politics and money. The cap-and-trade would place a tax on things like driving automobiles and usingShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And The Warming1544 Words   |  7 PagesGlobal warming has become a well conversed topic among scientists and peoples in the world today. There are extremists who do everything possible to stop contributing to the warming, but the average person does little to alleviate the issue and in many cases refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem at all. Dating back to millions of years ago, even before humanity was born, the world has always experienced one form or another of warming; so the warming seen today is not as bizarre as many mayRead MoreGlobal Warming And The Warming1353 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming With it being the presidential election season the talk of global warming, also known as climate change has come up in conversation more. But should it be associated with whether you are republican or democrat? Global warming should not be rather you â€Å"believe† in because it is a stated fact. The definition by Oxford Dictionary declares that global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect causedRead MoreThe Warming And Global Warming1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe Warming World Around Us The world is warming and we cannot deny it, the longer we deny the larger the problem it will become. Global warming is affecting the world economy, the overall health of the population, and most importantly the environment that surrounds us. Ignoring this problem will not just make it suddenly disappear; the world has to make an effort to stop it while it can still be maintained. Accepting the fact that it is happening is just the first step, the next step is takingRead MoreGlobal Warming1677 Words   |  7 PagesThrough the eyes of most scientists, global warming is seen as a very serious and severe threat. The actions taken by humans, such as industry and consumption of fossil fuels plus the increase in population and agriculture have played a big part in global warming. If something is not done soon the results could be very bad. By the middle of the twenty first century, there is evidence that the Earth will be warmer than it has been at any time in human history, and quite possibly since theRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide’ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, ( n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1245 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming The major threat of today’s world is global warming. Due to various reasons global warming turns out to be a serious issue in the last few years. Today people believe in global warming while this concept was not so much believed and people interpreted in some other meanings what was happening in the past. Global warming is amplification in the temperature of earth because of industrial pollution, fossil fuels, and agricultural practices caused by human being, other and natural gasRead MoreGlobal Warming1316 Words   |  6 PagesControversy over Global Warming One of the largest argued topics in our world today is over global warming. People argue that is real, and others argue that it is fake. The effects of global warming create a growing danger for the ecosystem we live in by damaging glaciers and weather patterns. Humans contribute to global warming yet non-believers will think otherwise. Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change) mostRead Moreglobal warming1539 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar radiation is trapped ins ide raising global temperaturesRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words   |  5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. Using persuasive technique Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface. Since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0.7 to 1.4 degrees F (0.4 to 0.8degree C). Climate change is happening and its effects are real. However, the larger the change in climate, the more negative the consequences will become. Global warming will make life harder for mostRead MoreGlobal Warming1192 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. Personally I don’t care very much about global warming and have never been active in green movements. The evidence presented in this class is very informative and useful when taking into account the numerous known and unknown causes and cures for global warming. However, my attitude towards global warming is unchanged. According to the Common Attitudes Toward Global Warming handout I think

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Instructional Design for Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Question: Describe about An Instructional Design for Building Information Modeling (BIM)? Answer: Identification of the instructional problem within the setting: As an elementary school setting, the students face some problems regarding the learning process within the school. Learning has been shifted from the basic educational circumstances to the interactive technological instruction. However, Elementary School the little students are facing problems regarding descriptive nature of learning. The learning processes of the teachers are more descriptive that the students cannot be able to understand those descriptions of the learning. Teachers only prefer descriptive story telling process to the children. They tell story of social or cultural value to the students through descriptive manner. On the other hand, students of 3rd and 4th grade cannot find any interests in order to learn those stories of social value and other types of learning elements. Therefore, they need different photos and other types of illustration for understanding those lessons. Most of the teachers are lacking from the actual knowledge of photos and other types of illustrations. They do not know how to present the idea of an educational content with an illustrative material or photos. Various typesof charts, diagram will not help the elementary children to understand the proper topic of the learning. Therefore, the teachers will be able to know the process of incorporation with different types of photos and other types of illustrative documents. On the other hand, different types of communication skills should be incorporated with the teachers in order to provide effective knowledge and learning to the students of elementary setting. Teachers should know the disciplinary skills or process skills in order to obtain feedback from the students. They should develop awareness of different strategies in order to evaluate own analysis or learning process. We have found that the children have the demand for the photos, drawing and other illustrations while learning a lesson. The central theme or idea of the lesson should be incorporated with different types of illustrations. Students of this school have demanded inputs that are more illustrativein order to learn a lesson. Therefore, Using illustrative informational text is very effective for the students. Every teacher should put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school. Discussing the difference between current condition and desired condition: Current condition: Students have some problems in order to understand the technical texts and informational text. Students of elementary school are very small to capture the technical text. For this issue, students are not being able to deliver the desired outcome of education. Elementary refers to the primary education process of child. A child firstly takes elementary education for developing his/her learning effectively. For this case, informational text has become the obstacle for delivering the proper learning and knowledge about learning of a definite subject. Teachers of this school has also lacked from doing effective drawing and sticking photos for delivering the proper information to the children. Therefore, the teachers of elementary school setting have a little idea about different types of informational text to the children. Desired condition: All Teachers will be able touse illustrative informational text is very effective for the students.Every teacher will put illustrative content in order to provide effective lesson of a social or natural content to the children of the elementary school. Therefore, the students should be able to pass the exam with proper learning and knowledge of a definite subject. Explaining the data collection process: Teachers of elementary school have been asked three questions regarding the informational text and other instructional process of teaching. First two questions have asked about the performance of the students within the classroom while delivering the learning lesson through informational text and other technical texts. Last onequestionhas asked the process of learning of the teachers. These questions have asked to explain how they provide learning to the students. Students of 3rd grade and 4th grade have also been asked three questions about the assessment process of those students. Students have been asked to give answers about the informational text and other technical texts of their teachers. Students have been asked to rank different skills in accordance with the importance. The researcher has taken survey method for both the teachers and students to complete the whole survey analysis. Students of 3rd and 4th grade also have been asked to complete assessment test about their learning process and the issues they have faced while learning with informational text. Summarizing the results of data analysis: The result of survey has shown thatthe students have faced problems for various types of technical text. Process of learning with the help of informational text has been remained as problem within the learning process of the students in our elementary school. However, teachers use the instructional design for providing effective learning to the students.The students have not learnt properly the desired process of learning through informational text. The teacher also have faced problem during providing learning to the students of the elementary education setting. Discussing the findings of the analysis: The students have asked to provide proper answers through survey questionnaires. Wehas asked four questions to the students. On the other hand, teachers of the school have been asked four questions in a survey sheet. Two questions have been remained close ended and other two have been remained open-ended questions for the students. Result of analysis: From the assessment of students, it has been analyzed that, eighty percent students can be able to understand informational text. As this is an elementary education,the children of 3rd and 4th grade have stated that they mostly prefer the photos, drawing, magnification of an idea etc. However, rest of the students has not the ability to understand the central idea of a story or other elements. Therefore, it can be analyzed that, many student also have the ability to understand the central idea of an article or story for understanding the real meaning of the article or story. However, there is a gap between the ability to utilize the understanding of central theme of a text. Therefore, the students mostly prefer the illustration as well as instructional design of the article or story. The presence of drawing, photos, magnification of the text can be helpful for the students in order to understand the central idea of the given article or the story. They do not prefer graphical presenta tion of data. On the other hand, teachers have been asked about the process of learning to the students of elementary classes of the school. Teachers have faced some issues while delivering some informational texts, like graphics, chart to the students. The teachers have poor responses from the students. Presentation of some data that has been gathered from the students and teachers of the school: Table 1: Is it important to understand the informational text while using photos and illustrations Response Mean Yes 10 100 No 0 0 10% students among 100 think that the informational text includes photos and illustrations are very important in order to understand the central theme or the idea. Children can understand the lesson through photos and different types of illustrations etc. Table 2: Regularity of reading various types of informational text: Frequency Number of Responses Mean Every Day 5 35 Often 4 35 Hardly Ever 2 24 Five students among thirty-fivehave stated that they read various types of informational text every day. On the other hand, four students among thirty-five students have often read informational text. Two students out of twenty-four students have read informational text hardly ever. From this analysis, it can bestated that most of the students read different types of informational texts. Table 3: Are photos, drawing provide extra advantage to understand informational text? Response Mean Yes 82 100 No 0 0 Therefore, eighty-twostudents among 100 students have stated that they found it very easy to understand informational text with added photos and drawing. From this particular analysis, it can be stated by the researcher that most of the students prefer informational text that is included with photos, drawing etc. Table 4: For teachers Strategies to improve the learning procedure: Question Summary Of Responses What are some ways you believe will help students to be understood the learning with effective use of informational text? Photos and drawing (4) Power point presentation of all subjects (3) More related information (2) In this case, majority of teacher explains that, the explaining with photos and drawing are very effective as well as important for delivering the learning process to the students of elementary education. Developing the instructional goal statement: From the above analysis, it can be stated that, the teachers of this elementary school should provide effective learning experience with the help of photos, drawing and illustrations. Students of 3rd and 4th grade can be able to learn the lesson with the use of various types of informational texts of photos, drawing etc. The informational text that involves the photos, drawing and same sort of illustration will help the students to learn the central theme of learning. Therefore, teacher should provide advanced photos, drawing materials for the students. These will help the students for understanding the learning process. Teacher should reject the old technique of descriptive learning. They should incorporate different attractive as well as relevant photos, illustrations to the learning procedure. Reference lists Asojo, A. (2012). An instructional design for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Revit in interior design curriculum.Art, Design Communication In Higher E, 11(2), 143-154. doi:10.1386/adch.11.2.143_1 Lee, H. (2012). Best Mentoring Practices of Design Education at the Design High School Level and Instructional Resources. JEL, 1(1).doi:10.5539/jel.v1n1p67 Liu, S. (2013). Exploring the Instructional Strategies of Elementary School Teachers When Developing Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge via a Collaborative Professional Development Program. IES, 6(11).doi:10.5539/ies.v6n11p58 McArdle, G. (2012). Instructional Design for Action Learning.Hum Res Mgt Intl Digest, 20(4). doi:10.1108/hrmid.2012.04420daa.017 Tessmer, M. (1988). Subject specialist consultation in instructional design: Higher education. Journal Of Instructional Develop Ment, 11(2), 29-35.doi:10.1007/bf02905001 Tracey, M., Unger, K. (2011).A design-based research case study documenting a constructivist ID process and instructional solution for a cross-cultural workforce.InstrSci, 40(3), 461-476. doi:10.1007/s11251-011-9184-3 Uzun, E., Ozden, M. (2012). Determining New Instructional Strategies for Web Design Course in Vocational Education with Respect to Instructional Technology Perspective. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 47, 426-432.doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.675 Yoshida, H. (2016). Perceived Usefulness of FlippedLearning  on Instructional Design for Elementary and Secondary Education: With Focus on Pre-service Teacher Education. International Journal Of Information And Education Technology, 6(6), 430-434.doi:10.7763/ijiet.2016.v6.727 YousefOtoum, A., Ebrahem Suleiman, H. (2013). The Effect of an Instructional Program on Modifying the Orientation of Achievement Responsibility.Int. J. Res. Edu. Psy.,1(1), 93-113. doi:10.12785/ijrep/010105

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Marylen Moss Initial Psychological Evaluation

Good health is what many people wish as long as they live. Any problems with health normally complicate the situation in families. Marylen Moss is thirty-eight years of age. She has a reliable husband whose name is George. It is her second marriage. She bore two children in her previous marriage. But now they have grown up.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Marylen Moss Initial Psychological Evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The chief complaint is that Marylen has a mood disorder. Her psychological problem has caused her to feel ecstatic and have erratic behaviors. She needs medication and or treatment to help her come back to normal again (Coaley, 2010). The history of this present illness started few months after she got pregnant. Four months into her pregnancy, her moods changed (Boyle, Matthews, Saklofske, 2012). She grew very tired. She could sleep until after midday. She started having problem s with her appetite. It caused her to lose weight. She gave birth when she had lost so much weight that she was several pounds lighter (Coaley, 2010). It affected her entire work at home and the workplace. She could not continue keeping both records correctly (Langwith, 2009). It caused her to stop dealing with the family and business finances. She could not focus long enough to come up with the right records (Goodwin Sachs, 2010). All this time George had been thinking that it was the pregnancy that was causing her to have changes in her moods. Towards the end of her pregnancy term, she confessed her feelings to her husband (Coaley, 2010). She thought she could not survive the childbirth. So she wished her husband well with her baby after birth (Goodwin Sachs, 2010). She thought that her condition was not going to improve. Immediately after giving birth to the first child in her second marriage, her moods changed abruptly. She was no longer getting tired. The long night sleeping hours till afternoon also disappeared (Langwith, 2009). All these disappeared instantly after birth, and she seemed to have a lot of energy (Coaley, 2010). She had never had such symptoms in her life. The new personality traits have been with her for the past one month. It is a medical condition that the husband does not understand. She had not sought any medical help (Krawitz Jackson, 2008). Her mood swings indicated bipolar symptoms (Langwith, 2009).Advertising Looking for case study on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pregnancy, therefore, triggered a major depression. She has some neurovegetative symptoms (Echevarria, 2012). She has middle and terminal insomnia. She cannot sleep ordinarily. Her sleep lasts two to three hours. On the day before the visit to the hospital, she had woken up at five in the morning. It means she had slept at around two or three in the morning. She wakes up feeling restless, but r eady to go. She does not take any medication for sleep and does not have nightmares. Her condition only causes her to become a lot more active than normal. But she does not go about destroying everything. She is not a threat. When she was pregnant, she lost most of her weight because of lack of appetite (Goodwin Sachs, 2010). But after pregnancy, Marylen has not had problems with her appetite. She has also not taken measurements for her weight, even though she has been eating a lot lately (Langwith, 2009). She has a lot of energy during the day until she surprises her husband. It is not normal for her to behave that way (Echevarria, 2012). Moss used to enjoy opening her bakery shop and doing business. Lately, she has been doing badly with the finances (Langwith, 2009). At some point, she tried charging their Visa card for the kitchen supplies. Her sexual drive has also increased. She cannot concentrate on one thing. She keeps changing from one activity to another. The maniac phase started after her few moments of normalcy (Boyle, Matthews, Saklofske, 2012). She thinks of opening her bakery, but it is just in her minds. In the real sense, she is not up to the task. She is only fantasizing. She develops the grandiose illusion. On a scale of one to ten, her mood can be eight. She feels very happy about herself (Goodwin Sachs, 2010). She likes going out with her girlfriends to have fun on weekends. She does not have bad thoughts about other people. She only thought of dying when she was pregnant (Langwith, 2009). But afterward she feels full of life and would go out of her way to always feel happy (Krawitz Jackson, 2008). The manic symptoms include her sexual urge and the desire for instant gratification (Echevarria, 2012). Her spending sprees are also out of control. She also has racing thoughts. She starts things and leaves them unfinished. She could not concentrate in the shop; she could also not do and finish baking (Boyle, Matthews, Saklofske, 2012).Adve rtising We will write a custom case study sample on Marylen Moss Initial Psychological Evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She has not had any psychiatric disorders. During all this time, there had been no doctor who had diagnosed Marylen because she had not visited any hospital. There is no history of her taking alcohol or drug abuse prescription (Boyle, Matthews, Saklofske, 2012). The only drug that she has been taking is Marijuana. She used to take it before pregnancy. She also continued using it after pregnancy (Langwith, 2009). George and Marylen have a family business. When her condition was poor, her husband used to continue with the business. During the examination, she seemed restless and guarded. She was anxious and told of how she felt better than at any time in her life. Marylen has had no physical injuries. She does not show any signs of allergies. She has also not been exercising. She has been using her ene rgy move around and do things that she feels make her happy. There are also no visible signs of any accident. It is not possible to tell if there has been a family history of the disorder. Since her response to questions is still not very clear, there is some information that would remain unclear perhaps until after medication. She still has a good and working relationship with her husband. Despite discovering her condition, husband still understands her and would like to help. He is the one who decides to take her for the medical examination. The family does not have financial problems for now. They can still maintain their family with that they have (Langwith, 2009). The husband continues to work so that he can provide for the family. Marylen is one of the few people who are struggling with mood disorders in the world. Sometimes it is not easy to recognize the condition when it starts. For instance, Marylen’s husband had thought that she was just sad because of her third pr egnancy after a long time. But the pregnancy had triggered depression that was slowly wearing her down. References Boyle, G., Matthews, G., Saklofske, D. (2012). Psychological assessment. London: SAGE.Advertising Looking for case study on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Coaley, K. (2010). An introduction to psychological assessment and psychometrics. London: SAGE. Echevarria, K. (2012). Mood disorder. Delhi: Research World. Goodwin, G., Sachs, G. (2010). Bipolar disorder. Abingdon: HEALTH Press. Krawitz, R., Jackson, W. (2008). Borderline personality disorder. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Langwith, J. (2009). Mood disorders. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. This case study on Marylen Moss Initial Psychological Evaluation was written and submitted by user Jazmin Lott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Personal Interests essays

Personal Interests essays Society today is something to be desired. Its all about looking for that number one, in other words, yourself. Too put it simply, society today doesnt care if people are starving and homeless, we care about if we ourselves are starving and homeless. Although the ancient Greek philosophers believed that all citizens consider the common good when making impactful decisions, and I agree; yet, in todays capitalistic society its all about John Lockes look out for number one philosophy. Ancient Greece was a time of small city states, people committed to education and government, and people who were active citizens. These three key ingredients created at society that basically ran itself. This philosophy, although perhaps perfect on paper, in reality is something quite far from perfect. For instance, if America today tried to install the system of Classical Republicanism our government it would fail. The people in America today only care about themselves so thus, people would think of themselves as opposed to what they should be trying to improve. Take for example, the Robin Hood plan. If people would look at the plan as a way that it benefits the common good, instead of thinking selfishly about keeping the money in rich districts, then the community would actually benefit from it. There would be less drop outs; less poorly educated children. This is why I believe that if we stopped and think of the common good as opposed to ourselves then America today woul d be much better off. Not so much social unrest and turmoil. So, when looking at these two political philosophies of looking out for the community as opposed to yourself you can see why the Greek way of thinking is better. If the community has been served well, then, wouldnt number one be served just as well? Society today is one to be desired and well, the Classical Republicanism probably wouldnt work out here ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Education for Everyone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Education for Everyone - Essay Example One of the most exciting trends in education that promises to help with the emergency in funding is the increased access to free online educational resources. While there are those who decry increased online learning as being corrosive to the social benefits that accrue from time spent in face-to-face instruction, the fact is that the online opportunities for education represent an important chance for school administrators at every level – from elementary to the university – to augment their current course offerings with a wealth of robust resources that will help their students succeed – for nothing. One important trend in education that seeks to capitalize on the benefits of free online resources is the â€Å"flipped classroom.† The traditional learning model involves the teacher delivering information through lectures, presentations, or other media, while students respond with some practice in the classroom, followed by the completion of assignments ou tside school. The â€Å"flipped classroom† is the reverse: instead, students access pre-recorded lectures or readings that teachers have posted online for them. With this information in hand, students are expected to come to class prepared for the activity that awaits them. If they have not listened to the assigned lecture or accessed the required information, they will not be prepared for class that day. There are several benefits of the â€Å"flipped classroom.† The most obvious is that students who miss classes for activities or illness no longer miss out on vital information. All they have to do is access the websites for their classes and view or listen to the materials that have been posted. Also, the role of the teacher has been transformed. Instead of lecturing to whole groups, the teachers instead become learning coaches, moving from small group to small group, or even from individual to individual, making sure that each student has gained mastery over the con tent and is generating a valid product (Bergmann and Sams). Finally, the students are readier for in-class instruction when it does come. Instead of yawning through a lecture of thirty or forty-five minutes, the students stop working on their projects when they need instruction – because they need the information to complete that specific task, the missing information can be delivered more quickly, and the audience will be more receptive to it. One might point out several drawbacks to this approach. What, for example, about students who do not have Internet access at home? Is it reasonable for a student living at that socioeconomic level to be expected to go to a public library to get online for class materials, or to come to school early to access the teacher websites, particularly when that student is likely to depend on school bus transportation and to have a job after school to help the family make ends meet? Some districts around the country have tried to answer this que stion by sending home laptops or computers with each student to help bridge the financial gap to computer literacy, but it is still an unanswered question. If the â€Å"flipped classroom† is to succeed for every student, then at some point, there must be a universal wireless Internet network available to every home, so that students can access the information they need while at home – even a free laptop cannot access the World Wide Web without a subscription, the way things currently

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Free Secondary Education in Kenya Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Free Secondary Education in Kenya - Case Study Example ade schooling unaffordable, and pushed many children out of school and into work. According to Damiano (2004) the current issues of transition are of great concern and it is possible to see that the large numbers of children are unable to proceed with.Obande (2007)) also states that "Just over half a million candidates sat the Kenya Certificate of Primary Examinations (KCPE) at the end of 2003, yet only 46 per cent had the chance to proceed to secondary schools.Although the number of candidates enrolling for primary level examinations has steadily risen, the number of secondary schools has remained the same. Unless this issue is addressed, Kenya will be dealing with an explosion at the end of 2010, when the children who enrolled in 2003, with the abolition of school fees, will be taking their primary level examinations." Damiano (2004) states that the introduction of free primary education in 1974 indeed helped by increase in enrolment in primary schools by 40 percent. But with the advent of the cost sharing policy in education in the mid-1980s the parents had to spend more money on secondary items like textbooks, stationery, development fund, activity fees, and this led to discouraging of the enrolment in primary and subsequently secondary education. school and another reason for the eighties decline might have been the over all un affordability of education and this meant that despite golden promises by the post colonial government the primary education was not really free(Damiano 2004). However things were improving by the new millennium and in December 2002 primary and secondary education was wholly freed and this has resulted in a big enrolment increase of about 1,500,000 additional students.(Damiano 2004).The main problem which still haunts the free educational initiative is the lack of money,gender bias and poor economic conditions as described by Damiano (2004) citing , Uusitalo (1999) and Levin and Plug (1999) who have blamed the family background variables as instruments hindering free secondary education and according to Angrist and Krueger (1991) and Harmon and Walker (1995) as cited by Damiano (2004) demographic statistics are also responsible for these problems. Moses W (2006) offers a more historical perspective as he states that the post colonial independence and the end of racism in the segregated school system which suppressed the Kenyan natives ,the new democratic government has had a hard time catching uo with the challenges of the , shortage of skilled labour and rampant poverty and consequently the Government devoted a large

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Job Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Job Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet Essay Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own. Identify the duties associated with his or her position, as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position. Use the information gathered in the interview, as well as the Week 3 readings, to complete the following worksheet. Answer each question in paragraph format. JOB ANALYSIS 1. What are the duties and job responsibilities associated with the position held by the individual you interviewed? The responsibilities for a Project Manager: Undertake management responsibilities for some or all aspects of the design and construction of new construction or refurbishment projects Obtain all necessary entitlements Plans and specifications. Tracking, and distribution. Plan check and permits. Tracking timelines, and pulling permits Plan review and bidding Office preparation for the start of construction Jobsite preparation for the start of construction Subcontracting. Prepare contracts, changes and additions to contractual agreements with consultants, suppliers, and subcontractors. Construction budgets and timelines Prepare and submit budget estimates, progress, and cost tracking reports. Implement quality control programs Take actions to deal with the results of delays, bad weather, or emergencies at construction site. Jobsite demobilization. Final budget reconciliation and close out with accounting. After action preparations. Coordination with Property Management, either GLB or building owner. 2. What are the types of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to successfully accomplish the job responsibilities? 1. Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, Engineering, Construction Management, or related field; 2. Professional license/registration/certification preferred; 3. Building and Construction knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction of a building or other structures 4. Experience in negotiating and writing contracts for design professionals and contractors 5. Demonstrated knowledge of applicable laws and regulations governing environmental and construction permitting; and 6. Demonstrated knowledge of OSHPD (in California) procedures and requirements for assignments to projects under OSHPD jurisdiction. 7. Outstanding written and verbal communications skills including the ability to establish goals, set clear expectations, prioritize activities, and follow through to project completion. 8. Strong attention to detail.  9. Ability to weigh business and technical requirements to produce project plans and estimates. 10. Strong organization, time manage ment, and multitasking skills. 11. Strong understanding of all aspects of corporate software development; strong client, server, database, and reporting skills. 3. Does the position require any physical tasks? If so, describe the physical tasks and state their frequency. Is there any additional information about the job that would be beneficial to include in the job description? The overall nature of the position is deskbound in nature requiring little physical effort and occasional light physical exertion. There is occasional exposure to environmental conditions such as heat, cold, temperature changes, industrial noise, and construction hazards usually accompanied by business travel and visits to construction sites. The constant physical demands of the position are talking and hearing. The frequent physical demands of the position are sitting, standing and walking. The occasional physical demands of the position are carrying, pushing, pulling, handling, repetitive motions, and eye/hand/foot coordination JOB Description Compose a 350- to 500-word job description based on the data acquired in your interview. The Project Manager position will be responsible for leading the design build team in the process of design, permitting and construction of all construction projects assigned as your responsibility. This position will be responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and or budgeting activities concerned with the construction of facilities. This position will also participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, entitlement and implementation. This position requires strategic and analytical thinking skills as well as attention to detail. Recruiting Strategies 1. What are three recruiting strategies that could be used to recruit for this job position? a. Internal through promotion or transfer b. Internet c. News paper 2. In 350- to 500-words, compare and contrast the recruiting strategies you have chosen. Which recruiting strategy would you use to recruit for this position? Why? Obtaining and retaining high-quality employees is critical to an organization’s success. As the employment market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more diverse, companies need to be more selective in their recruiting choices. I selected three options to compare and contrast: Internal recruiting: This recruiting process can be favorable as the employee will have history of the organization and the training can be minimal. It also builds morale within the organization as you are giving employees the opportunity for career growth. Recruiting internally can also be less costly than going outside to recruit. The downfall for recruiting internally is that is does not always produce the number or quality of  personnel needed. It can also be negative since you are not receiving new outside ideas. Another downfall is that you may cause rivalries between employees. External sources such as the internet and newspaper will provide greater exposure. Advertising in public sources provides the opportunity for more qualified people to apply for the position. The downfall is that it can be more expensive to advertise. For the project manager position, I would advertise the position in external sources such as the internet. Because it is such an important role and has so many responsibilities, you want to get as much exposure to insure a qualified individual.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Argumentative Essay: The Appalling Lack of Gun Control in the United States :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

There is an appalling, despicable lack of gun control in the United States. In my opinion the manner in which the issue of gun control is approached in this country is bordering on criminal negligence in and of itself. The insanity surrounding this controversial issue is taking the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights in the United States constitution way too far. I ask myself this question, could the Founding Fathers of this amazing country have possibly envisioned a world in which teenagers could casually walk into a classroom, pull out a loaded pistol and cold bloodily murder their teachers and fellow classmates? I think not. I would posit that these fine men, these symbols of American liberty and democracy would turn in their graves if they could see how their words, their intentions, were manipulated and grossly misinterpreted, to serve the purposes of those who pretend to be protecting the rights of their fellow American Citizens. On the contrary, it is my belief that t hey, the politicians, are recklessly endangering those whose rights they claim to be protecting. The Government needs to take a hard, honest look at the tragic loss of life that occurs in this country due to gun shootings, both intentional and accidental. The government needs to assume responsibility for this outrageous situation and realize that gun control in the United States needs to be Federally regulated, sooner rather than later. Wherein lies the difficulty in subjecting citizens to more stringent gun control measures? What possible reasons could politicians have for opposing safety measures such as the mandatory registration of firearms, five day waiting periods, gun licensing for owners, permits to purchase and permits to carry guns as well as mandatory background checks? If you want to carry a firearm, I feel that all of the afore mentioned requirements, at the very least, should be instituted in every single state. For heavens sake, it is more difficult to enroll your child in school than it is to buy and own a gun in this country. Does that seem logical? Not to me. The reason being that as this controversy plays out, as the NRA (National Rifle Association), the various politicians and the many interest groups squabble aimlessly back and forth with each other, more innocent people are losing their lives everyday, no in fact, every minute!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Lobbying strategies used by financial services Essay

General knowledge about patenting and the patent reform legislation. A patent can be said to be a se of exclusive rights given to an inventor or his assignee for a given period in exchange for the invention details. However in countries like us extras qualification utility patents is used to differentiate them from other types of patents, this should not be confused with utility models grants by other countries. ( of these particular patents for invention includes biological patents, business method patents, chemical patents and software patents. In some other countries other types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are called patents while industrial design rights are referred to as design patents which protect the physical designs of objects which are not of great utility. As such therefore, patent should not be mistaken for a right to practice or use the inventor, it(patent) provides the authority to prevent other people from making, using, selling or offering for sale or importing the patented invention for as long as the term of the patent remains, which in most cases is usually 20years. In real sense a patent is a limited property right that the government leases to inventors in exchange of their (inventors) disclosure of the details leading to their invention. Patent therefore, like any other property rights can be leased, mortgaged, assigned, licensed, given away or even transfered.As briefly stated above the rights governing a patent varies from country to country. For instance in Australia, other people are allowed to build on top of already patented invention. This is possible by making use of exceptions from infringement procedures e.g. allowances for academic research (http. /paustralia- index .sch.html). While on the other hand in US things are very different on patent rights governing research, whereby even developing of an existing invention amounts to infringement. The mystery of patents is exhibited when one wants to make an improvement of an already patented invention. This can only be done legally by seeking permission from the patent holder, assuming that the patent is still in force When the new improvement is made the owner of it can bar the original patent owner from using the improvement and hence denying him of the right to exploit the patent. However some countries require that the invention be exploited in the jurisdiction it covers. Again the penalties of not working an invention vary from country to country but the common penalties ranges from revocation of the patent rights to awarding of a license to any party in a position to exploit the invention. The patentee can seek legal redress and challenge the revocation or the issuance of the license. But there exists a big hurdle in offering of tangible evidence that, the requirement of the public have really been met by the working the invention. Generally patents can only be put in force through law suits (e.g. in US, patent infringements are handled in the US federal courts) in other countries like France and Australia criminal penalties for patent infringements are given. In case of an infringement the patent owner will demand to be compensated financially for past infringement and then also seek to bar the defendant (infringer)from engaging in any further acts of infringement. However it is not always easy for the patent owner to prove that infringement really took place. As such, he is required to establish that the accused practiced all that the patent was entitled to; again, the issue of independent jurisdictions patent rights tradition also arises. The above statements about the powers of a patent owner are enough evidence to show that there is a great limitation on the patent owner because the accused has a right to challenge the validity of a patent .It is common for civil courts hearing patent cases to declare patents invalid. The basis on which a patent can be declared invalid are stated on the patent agreement, and again this varies from one jurisdiction to another. However some countries like UK have laws discoursing infringers from challenging the validity of patents. In the UK this discouraged through the certificate of contested validity. Nevertheless not all patent rights disputes are settled through litigatation. Majority of these disputes are settled through private patent licensing agreements. These agreement are simply practical, effective contracts whereby the patent owner (also know as licensor) voluntarily decides not to sue an infringer in return of some payment .Research shows that this is common in companies which deals with complex products. These companies also issue patented licenses to other business rivals under what is known as cross licensing agreements. This in turn facilities the cross accessing of each other inventions (special problems in patent cases 66.FRD 529,197 by Howard T Markey) As seen above different jurisdictions have different traditions of approaching patenting, but it should be noted that in many nations both single entities (natural persons) and corporate entities can apply for a patent. On issuance of this patent then the entity (ies) becomes the owners of the patents. However, it is mandatory that the inventor (s) be named so that the public can get to know how the owner(s) of the patent acquired the rights. For example in US only the inventor(s) (natural person) can apply for a patent, in cases of multi inventors then each inventor is given a patent which s very independent from those given to other co- inventors . It is a normal practice also in US for inventors to assign their ownership rights to a corporate body, this is done in cases of multi-inventors so that only one single entity has the rights to grant a license. Another reason is to increase the liquidity of the patent as property, so that inventors can be in a position to sell them to a third party, who in turn owns the patent as though they were the real investors. From the above detailed information about the function ability of patents and patent rights it is evident that patents and patent rights need to be protected by relevant laws so that neither party i.e. patent owners, authorities, and infringers is vulnerable to mistreatment. Therefore nations and also internal communities have come up with laws that govern the enforcement of patents. Patents as such therefore, are governed by laws at a national level and at an international level through signing of treaties. It can be said that patents are therefore not national but territorial in nature. It is traditional that every nation forms a [patent office which carries out patenting responsibilities in regards of the laws of the country. However cases of infringements are left to be catered by national courts. On an international scale it is the work of the world Trade organization (WTO) to harmonize these patent laws. Agreement have been reached successfully in aligning these patent laws .Adherence to these agreements is a mandatory requirement for admission to the WTO, a factor leading to mass compliance by many nations .Even the developing countries are not left back although they have been known to enforce national laws protecting their local industries. A paramount international meting held in Paris relating to patent systems culminated in the signing of the above agreement. Although the agreement does not have a consequential legal effect in national jurisdictions its principles are largely inculcated in many current patent systems. For instance one such principle is the right to claim priority which allows an application filled in a member state of the Paris meeting to be valid for one year and also to be filled in any other member state and still receive its original filling date. This is a great achievement since patent ownership is entirely date oriented. Again the powers and dynamics of patents vary from sate to another. In US for example, the lands prime law (constitution), gives the congress the mandate to make laws, to promote, and uphold the progress of Science and useful Arts. These laws once passed, are then enshrined in Title 35 of the United States Code. The United States patent and trademark office (USPTO) was created under the above laws. (US patent activity, 1790 to present – http://www. Upstaged/web/ offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/h-counts-html). In UR, patent laws are contained in the patents Act 1977 (amended). On international perspective, as mentioned above there exists international freely procedures e.g. procedures under European patent convention (EPC) which works under European patent organization (EPO) and patent cooperation Treaty (PCT) among many others. Similar treaties exist in African content countries. For a natural person or a corporate entity to be awarded a patent then an application requesting the same has to be filled at the relevant patent office. This application contains such information like how to make and put the invention into use and also the utility of the invention. Also contained in the application form is claims which explain more about the invention and the extend of patent rights in regards to applicants wishes. The above details together with a written description with drawings are part of the patent specification. In some nations like US, the applicant is also required to include the most effective way to make and practice the invention. The claim part acts as a disclosure to the public on the limits to which the patentee has over the invention. In other words a claim shows what the patent covers and what does not cover. It should be noted also that a single patent can have numerous claims, each regarded as an independent invention. Once the above requirements have been provided it is now the duty of the patent office to counter check whether the application is in order with the relevant legal provisions in relation to the particular specie of patents. Once it is approved the patent takes effect from the date issued and it is subject to yearly renewals so as to remain in force in relation to (Egbert vs. Lippmenn, 104 U.S. 333 (1881) â€Å"the corset case†) The US supreme court passed a decision that any inventor who has not applied for a patent for more than eleven years of using the invention, cannot be given one. Hence there is a need to seek for a patent once an invention has been made (http://www. Wolf Greenfield. Com/media/news. 9.pdf) In a summary of the above information about patent system four main aspects have clearly been discussed about, they include; i. Inventing: – Through intensive research and consulting Scientists and artists are able to come up with inventions. The desire to dig more and come up with inventions is catalyzed by the existence of patent rights. Which comes with much money as a result of selling patent licenses ii. Disclosing the invention made: – As per the meaning of patent, the disclosure of invention is for a common good. This is so because there are projections as to the rights of invention and hence inventors feel free to disclose their invention. This disclosure facilitates for exploitation of patent right when the current one expire or even improvements are made. iii. To invest in producing, experimenting, and marketing of the invention. This is done out the faith that infrequent cases are well protected against. iv. Designing and improving of earlier patents: – This can only be possible is details of already existing patents are disclosed to the public. All the above stuff concerning modern patent system allows for infant inventors to gain exclusive rights and therefore becoming licensors. They therefore gain financially and in the long run promoting more innovations. Due to loopholes the legal systems governing patents cases of double awarding of patents have been common. (According to R.Buck minster Fuller 1938). Due to the increasing number of inventions the patent filling systems are becoming more complex day and day and hence there is a likehood of awarding a patent to an invention already patented before. However with the introduction of reliable computing system this has been kept at bay. According to Michael Heller, a law professor and Rebecca Sue Eisenberg in a 1998 in their 1998 science article, intellectual property Rights (IPR) have become so much fragmented that signing them will require an agreement with all the owners of fragments. Another big hurdle in patents is that they discourage innovations especially with corporate entities who may own many patents and enter into litigations incases of infringement although they are doing absolutely nothing to develop the invention. Other numerous problems also exist and as a result critisms have been common opposing the patents system and proposing for their abolition altogether. Lastly, it will be fair to put forth some historical information regarding the existence of patents. Reliable evidence suggests that the first stints of patents can be traced to ancient Greek cities whereby any one who came up with a new recipe was allowed to make the food for one year. On the other hand, modern patents can be traced to the republic of Venice whereby new inventions were publicly communicated to prevent undue infringement. Other countries followed suit e.g. U.K, US and therefore the idea of patents spread through other parts of the World. The above detailed account about patents gives a reader of this paper a sound basis to now tackle the issue of financial services industry, lobbying strategies in the addressing of the patent reform bill (legislation) before the 110th congress. As already explained above the patents system in united states are under the body known as United States patent and Trade mark organization (USPTO).This body is therefore incharge of issuance of patents to inventors. According to a 2004 report by National Agency of a sciences and another report of 2003 report by Federal Trade Commissioner a bill (patent Reform Act 2005) was proposed. The main aim of this bill was to try and bring a theme of modernity in the USA patent system. Although it was not until 2007 when this bill was introduced to the bicameral US parliament (Senate and House of representatives). This bill now known as â€Å"The patent Reform Act of 2007† was introduced as a proposal in the 110th US congress for discussion and eventual change of the United States Patent Laws. The bills main objective was to bring the American patent laws to the same level with other countries patent laws. (According to a patent system for the 21st century, by Stephen. A. Merrill Richard L. Levin and mark B. Myers, 2004- (http://www ton.nap.eds/catalog//76.html) The main changes brought by this legislation were – I). Converting US from a first- to- invent system to a first- inventor- to -file system. This bill will bring US to conformity with other countries of world. This system will also reduce legal costs, simplify the patent process, improve fairness and also facilitate a movement towards harmonized international patent system. It is also agreed that this change will reduce the complexity associated with the current USPTO interference proceedings. This will therefore make inventors to focus more on inventing. Since this change would make US to be in harmony with other countries it will help US inventors to pursue their innovative dreams in more consisted manner. On the hand, critics have agreed that this system of first to file will encourage unnecessary USPTO with unharmonized disclosure information; therefore quality of patents is compromised. Again the small scale inventors will be at a disadvantage when competing with large co operations in the race to the pattern office. The next major change was apportionment of damages. The bill will seek to bring sanity in the award of damages due from infringements of patents. The bill allows a court of law to ensure that the damages are paid according to the prevailing economic conditions pertaining to the patented invention. This was seen a measure to cut excessive royalty payment infringed patented. Large technological companies and financial services industries supported this change because they lie on features which are in most cases in patented. Critics of this system argued that, the congress should not attempt to prioritize the factors that a court may apply when determining reasonable damage rights. This system may also undermine the existing licenses and therefore leads to the rise of litigation. Those critics included USPTO, the biotechnology among many others. Other charges embedded in the bill included; Allowing a third party assignee to file a patent application, Revising procedures for patent interference disputes; Allowing financial institutions to infringe patents on the check collection system, Allowing a person who is not the patent owner to file a petition with the board cancel a patent as invalid among many other changes. These changes sought to facilitate a general overhaul of the US patent system. Which according to the coalition for 21st century patent Return was in dire need for periodic examination and foundational changes ( This reform bill on patents was introduced to the House of Representatives by a democrat, MR. Howard Berman and in the senate by another Democrat, MR. Patrick Leahy. It was passed in the House of Representatives but put under more scrutiny pending voting in the senate following its introduction in the 110th United States Congress. The bill has been faced with positive and negative critisms from different organizations. Those organizations lobbying for its subsequent adoption argue that, the bill is necessary to bringing in the much needed changes and consequently reduce the number of soaring ills which are killing innovation. Some of these organizations include coalition for patent fairness, Business software alliance intellectual property owners association and lastly American institute of certified public accounts. Those according to them are weakening the rights of patent owners innovations included the following national small business organization, innovatiove alliance, Biotechnology industry organization among others (http://www.napp, org/resources/nap opp to 2007 senate Bill. pdf) According to the US department of commerce the only part which need some revision is section 4 which they argue may harm the nation’s intellectual property system. The bill also attracted critisms from international community with a Chinese expert calling the bill hypocritical; since it is weakening the rights of patent owners in US when US has been urging the Chinese government to strengthen the rights of their patent owners. An observation also comes from India pharmaceutical Alliance who argued the bills provision allows for the validity of a US patent to be challenged immediately after issuance. They also predict that the bill may favour Indian manufacturers since it reduces legal costs and risks. ( show/mst 22256,pr+page – 1.cms1) The lobbying strategies The first question one should ask himself when tackling this debate is very simple, how is the proposed patent reform bill going to affect the performance of the financial institutions? Secondly has the current patent laws been in â€Å"favor† of the financial institutions? With these two questions in mind then it is very easy to the financial institutions stand in respect to these reforms. Consequently, therefore, the lobbying strategies they employ will be directly related to these effects. This issue of patent reforms may seem to a nonprofessional to be of no consequential impact and therefore does not deserve much thought but to the business community things are very different. The above detailed account of the pros and cons of the patent reform bill, it is very clear that there exists a tug-of war between some of the corporate US citizens. On one side of the war are much dreaded patent trolls or better known as patent sharks-small firms or individuals who wit fully trap large manufacturers in patent infringement suits in order to benefit from damage awards. On the other side of this war are financial institutions, which, includes banks and insurance firms who have joined hands with large tech-companies. It is understood that these two sectors have been faced with regular lawsuits coming from the much-dreaded patent sharks. At the center of the dispute is the current Americas patent system that is suffering from lack of a major policy overhaul for along period of time and struggling to stay in level with innovation in thev21st century. Therefore, financial institutions have always found themselves in a hot spot under the current patent laws. It is in this light that any reforms that seeks to address their plight is seen as a relieve to them. The first strategy therefore employed by these financial institutions was the formation of a bargaining platform in the form of â€Å"the coalition of patent fairness†. This group lobbied the senate to help curb the weak patents and bourgeois lawsuits from patent sharks. The group also lobbied against a ruling made by the federal appeals court that opened doors for patents on business methods, including different types of banking, investments and insurance techniques. It is through this lobbying that, the senate judiciary committee included a provision that grants banks immunity against lawsuits from patent holders like Texas Company Data Treasury, which holds patent on a method of digitally scanning, sending and storing checks. Another strategy used by financial firms is by applying for patents. These patents unlike those of other industries are not primarily for financial gains but for defensive purposes against the escalating number of patent infringement cases from the much-dreaded patent sharks. Financial institutions in US are also exploiting the fact that US is the only nation in the world to have been left back using the first-to-invent system of patenting to lobby the international organizations (WTO).this seems to have borne fruits because the USPTO seems to have yielded to the pressure and therefore agreed to bring some changes. This has worked through the harmonization of the US patenting system with the rest of the world. After the House of Representatives passed its version of the bill, many AUTM members frantically contacted their congressional members a move that enabled many parts of the bill to be amended. However the senate bill remained to be harmonized. Following great concern from the university community and other bodies, a number of changes were made. One lobbying strategy, which financial services institution used was voicing their concerns through the AUTM, an organization of many universities and other bodies that induces closeness to industries. It should be noted that the AUTM and the university community were not in anyway against the improvement of US patent system. Their main concern was to see that before the bill was finally voted for in the senate, the contentious parts should be first fine-tuned. As a show of great support to the improvement of the US patent system, the university group therefore put fourth the following suggestions (i) a one-year grace period for first inventor and strong inventor oath should be included. ii)Removal of the previous user rights expansion in favour of study of issue university patent can be in a risk of expanding prior user rights iii) Venue reform provision that exempt universities and technology transfer foundations that offer patent services to universities. The bill as it were had many provisions that were of great concern to US universities chiefly because it undermined the ability of the universities to transfer technology to local industries. This was due to the making of patents difficult to protect decreasing the amount of damages patent holder can get from an infringer and opening new avenues for infringers to put to task the validity of issued patents. This change of USPTO rules and the issue of Supreme Court in mind made it more burdensome, and expensive to get, maintain and even enforce patents. It also poses difficulties for Universities when starting companies, which attract venture funding. Other areas, which concerned Universities and financial institutions were, are as follows:- i. A compulsory search report and analyses, which reflect heavily on the financial aspects of Universities on technology, transfer offices. ii. Absence of meaningful inadequate contact reform iii. An open-ended, post-grant administrative review of patent quality. iv. Venue reform policy that forces patentee to file suits in the infringer home district court and v. Apportionment of damages in patent infringement suits. Another strategic lobbying device at the disposal of financial institutions and other concerned organizations was through approaching federal relations officer near them. These federal relations officers are discharged with the main duty of acting as the intermediaries between the people and senate (legislators). Due to the bill, having so many controversial sections, there was an urgent need for the stakeholders to harmonize their divergent views and come up with a consensus. This was achieved through the congressional research service (CRS) an arm of United State Congress that provides policy and legal advices to committees and members of both the house and the Senate regardless of party affiliations. The CRS committee collects views from the public and then they act accordingly. Again, this CRS also carries out civic education concerning the interpretation of bills and their effect to the lives of the common person. Holding of workshops and seminars with the other stakeholders was another worthwhile strategy used to help bring every concerned party on board so that when the legislation is adopted no one would feel shortchanged. Workshops are known to bring warring parties together on a mutual agreement. These workshops therefore lobbied the opposing bodies into ceding some of their unrealistic demands. Financial services institutions through their attorneys lobbied the senate judiciary committee into making provisions that gave them more power in the using of technologies made by other inventors. These technologies are necessary in the improvement of banking services offered to customers. The bill therefore needed to be lobbied and subsequently harmonized. Conclusion The AUTM through their technology transfer managers evaluated impact of the long legislation on its general operations and therefore come up with a strategy, educate the university management and also other interested and the work with the federal relations officer, who in turn contacts the lawmakers. This technology transfer managers advice the legislators on the need to go the dialogue way so that at end of it all no constituency feels as being shortchanged by the passing of the patent reform legislation. In general, the current state of the bill would weaken the entire American patent system by making patented under to protect. The damages entitled to a patent owner after an infringement has been reduced adding salt to the wound. New avenues for infringers to challenge an already issued patent have also been opened. Although the bill continues to be harmonized bit by bit, the university technology transfer system still view some areas as not fully catered for. The legislation also provides for a patent trial and appeal bond, which is charged with the responsibilities of reviewing decisions of examiners upon applications and reexamination proceedings. Financial services institution therefore can utilize this avenue in addressing and subsequent challenging of the patent reforms legislations. This board comes as an indicator on how this reform legislation has deliberately been drafted and therefore only needs to be harmonized on the small areas. However, it is fair to say that America need this bill to at least bring some uniformity with rest of the world because it has been the only country adopting the first-invent system of patenting. Two, according to Senator Leahy, America needs an efficient and streamlined patent system if it is to remain in the forefront of the world economy. This patent will bring quality and at the same time discourage counter productive litigations. Senator Berman on his side argued that, there should be no doubt, as to whether the US system of patenting produces high quality patents, and therefore changing the existing patenting practices through the congress is the only way out. The bill also, should not be viewed with suspicion since it was founded and introduced in the two houses on a bipartisan basis. It is also the bedrock of American innovation, and therefore there is great need to protect innovation and creativity, according to Senator Hatch. Financial services industry being one of the major economic players of the United State of America, needs also to standup on its own and voice out their grievances. In addition, financial services institutions like banks and insurance companies have a duty to challenge the patent reforms legislation because they have started to seek protection from infringement lawsuits from patent sharks. This was facilitated through the introduction of financial patents. References; More about patent reforms, available at, 1), accessed on april30 2008 Effects of patent reforms, available at, 2) show/mst 22256,pr+page – 1.cms1) , accessed on april30 2008 Patent reforms for 21st cen. available at, 3) http://www ton.nap.eds/catalog//76.html) accessed on april30 2008 US patent and trademark office, available at, 4) http://www. Upstaged/web/ offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/h-counts-html accessed on april30 2008 Regulations governing patent application, available at, 5) http://www. Wolf Greenfield. Com/media/news. 9.pdf) accessed on april30 2008 More about patenting, available at, 6) accessed on april30 2008 Patenting and innovations, available at, 7) Heller, M.A., & Eisenberg, R.S. (1998). Can Patents Deter Innovation? The Ant commons in Biomedical Research. Science. Different organizations response towards the patent reform bill, available at; 8), accessed on april30 2008

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Judaism And Judaism - 2022 Words

I am writing my research paper over Judaism and the Holocaust. I think that Jewish religion is very interesting and I love learning about the Holocaust. I am going to start out by explaining the overview of some Jewish history and the four main branches. Judaism is known to be one of the oldest religions in the world today. Jewish history extends back though the ancient Israelite and Hebrew people to Abraham. The basic facts of Judaism are found in beliefs, history, and practices. Jewish beliefs begin with the conviction that there is only one God, who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship. This important truth is revealed through the sacred writings of men like Moses and the prophets, the most important of which is the Torah. In Judaism, religion isn’t one aspect of life, it is life. There are holidays and celebrations year round, like Passover and bar mitzvahs, to commemorate what God has done in the past and is doing in people’s lives today. In the beginning of the 21st century, around 14 million people identify themselves as Jews. And there are four main branches or denominations in Judaism, each of which has a different approaches to religious life. In North America today, the four main branches of Judaism are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist. Within these denominations themselves, there is a great degree of variation in practice and observance. Orthodoxy is the modern classificationShow MoreRelatedJudaism And The Temple Of Judaism Essay2349 Words   |  10 Pagestopic of Judaism may come with stereotypical opinions and â€Å"Christian Judgement† that are without merit or understanding. Judaism, by a Christian worldview, had to change after Pentecost, since the animal sacrifice to atone for sin Christ completed on the Cross. 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